Open Mic Judge Presentation @soundlegion Some of my Favorite Open Mic Performances so far

I am a little late with this presentation post as I wanted to get it up last week but have been in the midst of my yearly international travels, but none the less I am excited to officially announce that I have been asked to be apart of the Weekly Steemit OpenMic Judging team with fellow steemians @luzcypher @jessamynorchard @verbal-d & @krystal.  

Check out below...

Steemit Open Mic Official Judges Panel Post by @luzcypher 


As many of you out there in the great land of steemit know I am California Singer Songwriter, multi genre collaborative artists Shavon Bonnie Legion and co-creator of the online Collaborative Music House and Label, Sound Legion.    I have worked as a professional singer/songwriter online collaborating with various style producers and artists from all over the globe for coming up on 10 years now.    I dabble a bit in almost every genre with many released sound projects in Acoustic, Rock, Hip Hop, EDM and more.   I have worked over the wires and up close and personal with hundreds of fellow music creators, producers, Artists and bands.    I have just under a dozen full album releases in various styles and hundreds of single releases up the same multi genre alley.  

I was asked about a month ago by fellow steemian @krystal and @luzcypher if I would be interested in joining the judges team for open mic here on steemit and I was eager to jump on the opportunity.    Surfing through new artists and sounds is something I have been doing for years and I am finding Steemits openmic a great place for discovering new talents and inspiration.   

Things I look for in a good open mic performance

1.  Originality -  If its an original song or a cover songs one of the key things i'm looking to hear is something unique and original about your sound.    Some of the best advice I can give is don't try to be something other than you, and show us some of your unique musical flavor or soul.   

2.  Vocal and Instrument Delivery -  I'm looking to hear those wow factors in voice and instrument.   A skilled player with great timing and flow.  A confident vocalist with creative or unique tone play.    TIMING and Pocket Pace.  Are the vocals in the pocket of the instrumental rhythm or beat?

3.  Heart -  For me when performing a song your trying to stir a feeling or emotion and nothing does that better than a performance full of heart.   I want to see an authenticity to your performance, meaning if this relates to you and is felt by you, its gonna be felt by us as well.    This is a huge deal to me, even if you may not be the best player or singer out there, coming in true and pulling the feel strings will get you points my end.     With original Songs a lot of heart can be pulled out of a good lyric, as a songwriter i'm definitely listening to them words.   

A Few Memorable Open Mic Performances that blew me away

@chasingstarss So Cool (Thank You) -  Rich with feeling, great lyrics wonderful performance


@jaybird The Cure - Unique Vocal very catchy chorus that sticks with you, great performance and def feeling the unique flavor of this artist


@branhmusic Pond with a thousand pennies -  A blow away vocal full of everything right!!  great lyrics full of heart with a performance that sits with you.  I was highly touched by this song and have listened more than half dozen times now.  


@hardikv Alif Katyu Chuko -  @hardikv comes in with quite a lot of mind blowing talent,  I love the energy being pulled out here, something unique and absolutely spot on with authenticity and feeling.   Unique and glowing with emotion, this performance lingers in bliss. 


@isaria malevolence -  Isaria has really found her sound,  she comes in with mood for miles,  great lyrics, wonderful vocals and performance.   A very creative and quality way of sound presentation.  


Join Open Mic Today and Submit a Performance


Check out some of the other judges for open mic here!







A couple of my early open mic Entries when joining the platform Steemit and first discovering open mic

Original Song - Front of or Behind me

Cover Song -  Lana Del Rey - Without You

I am absolutely taken with the musical talents here on steemit.   You have some serious musical force coming through and some of these artists are grabbing hold and pushing things to new levels, driving us right into the future of social media and sound.    I am excited about all things to come here on steemit and with open mic.   The music community is absolutely blowing up and its a great honor to be a part of this with you all.       

I missed these last two weeks of judging mixed up in my travels but will be eager to follow new open mic trend and present my picks for OpenMic 48 this saturday evening.    Much luck to all out there putting out there heart in sound and I very much look forward to hearing you.    

Shavon Bonnie Legion 

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