🎉Music Challenge 🎹#5 Your favor song! 🎸🥁🎻🎤音樂挑戰 🎹#「你喜愛的歌曲」!🎊


#5 Your Favor Song middle report! #5 你喜愛的歌曲中期報告!

【Date 日期:】

The deadline of entries is 18:00 UTC 31/1/2018.

這個活動到18:00 UTC 31/1/2018截止。

【The entries as followings 參賽作品如下︰】

@tvb - 🎵侠女之歌——《刀枪不入》(TVB剧集《女拳》主题曲)

@kunani - uch Kuch Hota Hai

@thot2word - This God is too good by Nathaniel bassey

Please tell me if you have entry but didn't shown at here!


Come to join now! 快來參加吧!

The detail of the music challenge at HERE! 音樂挑戰詳情連結 在此!
Here are some interesting challenge, come to join too!


[A City a Story photo contest 城巿故事照片比賽]

@aaronli created a great contest - A City a Story photo contest! @aaronli is working hard to promote the culture of Hong Kong. He wish there are more steemians sharing the stories and the culture of their home town, their cities.
Let's join this meaningful contest!
@aaronli 創辦了一個名為城巿故事的比賽! @aaronli 一直在 steemit 努力推廣閞於城巿的文化,他希望可以見到更多的Steemians去分享屬於他們城市的故事和文化。

*[ Steemit World Map]*

All entries in the “A City a Story” photo contest is about a city. Do you want your entry to be located on a map? And let others can search your entry in a world map? Steemit Worldmap is a great application that you can connect to all travelers from all over the world and share you city stories to them through a world map!
每一篇“A City a Story” photo contest 的文章都是關於一個城市,你希望你的文章能被印記在一張地圖上,並讓其他人在這張地圖上搜尋你的文章? Steemit Worldmap是一個很偉大的程式,它能讓你連接世上每一位旅行者,讓你在一張地圖上分享你的城市故事給他們!

For more information about Steemit Worldmap, please check:

更多關於Steemit Worldmap, 請到:


*[Daily Pet Photography]*

If you look around the city, you will find many animals are living with you.


Details of daily pet photography at here!


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