#2 歌詞創作活動己經結束,得奬者如下:
Awesome, very clever, use the original soundtrack background. Focus on the lyric, very outstanding! Enjoy the song at the following link!
We use 10+0.124+0.689SBD, 0.124SBD is c/d by the last contest.
Congratulations to the above participant, he will get 10.813SBD!
Thank you for the sponsors @aaronli (20SBD), @guyverckw (20SBD). The SBD will used for 4 issues.
謝謝兩位贊助者,分別是 @aaronli (20SBD), 及 @guyverckw (20SBD)。
The advertising message of the sponsor:
@aaronli - Enjoy Steemit. Enjoy Music. Let's live as one by music!
【Date 日期:】
The challenge will start from now and the deadline of entries is 18:00 UTC 30/11/2017.
這個活動現在開始,到18:00 UTC 30/11/2017截止。
【Rules 詳情:】
1.Use your voice or any instrument for your performance.
2.Please take a video for your entry!
3.Free title, you can choose any song!
4.Please use a tag #musicchallenge, no need to be the first tag.
請使用 #musicchallenge 標籤,並不需要是首個標籤。
【Prize 奬品:】
Every participant will share the sum of 10SBD and the SBD reward of this post equally. 每位參加者都會得到奬金,10SBD加上此篇章的SBD收益後會平均分配。