Music Heals The Soul Contest

How many times have we needed music in our lives to get passed the many obstacles of life? Feelings of anger, hatred, sadness, loneliness, heartache... Of happiness, joyfulness, accomplishments and celebrations. There is a song fit for all our emotions.

In every category of music you will find a song that fits your mood. If you are hurting from heartache, be assured that you will find something to fit in heavy metal, just as much as country.

This is what I like most about music.

I found this challenge by @magicalmoonlight, so happy that I did. I was trying to think of a way to write it up and show people that we are all connected through music but didn't know how. This challenge opened the door for me.

To start I want to share my go to music.


I have been listening to them since I was 8 years old. They have a special place in my heart as they were the first heavy metal band I ever heard. The only music I heard before was what I called 'Old people's music' that folky something that made me feel like I needed achy bones and wrinkly skin to listen to. And country. Oh how I did not like country. I never understood what was so fun about line dancing...
So yes, Metallica as pretty fantastic! My first album was Load. I listened to it so many times, I knew the guitar solos by heart of every song on that album and more. People found me weird that I was singing to that more than I did the lyrics. Ever get that feeling that you feel the music more than the words? The emotions matched the exact waves of the sound? I did and a lot.

So lately my 2 songs I have on repeat every now and then from Metallica is from their album Death Magnetic.

This second one is just the music. No lyrics. I just love listening to it and flowing with it, feels like I could touch it. I'm weird, I know lol.

During times when I am feeling rough and just need words of something different to take me away I listen to Buck 65. An underappreciated artist perhaps. He is a poet in my opinion and definitely has a way with words that one day I wish to understand more. Even if I don't understand all the meanings behind his words, I can still feel like I can connect with it the way it needs to in my life.

All 3 are from the same album, my favorite one, Secret House Against The World.

Now this post would get you to be listening to music for days if I don't limit myself. Trying to be wise on what to choose.

My most recent go to right now, I found yesterday. I became a fan of @nathankaye a few weeks ago, maybe. His music is touching on many different levels and can really help someone move forward. He has shared his music with people here on Steemit and he has shared this one with me yesterday in his comments. Find the link to his post here

I'm telling you, whatever it may be that's going on, this meditative music will help you. I'm hooked on his music and the man himself most likely lol. He is very genuine and a great person. I'm lacking on vocabulary here, so go find out for yourself and visit his posts :)

I have a wide variety of music that I am very fond of, even classical music from Beethoven and Mozart. But I still stay away from country. It's like that plate of Shepherd's Pie my mom made too much of. I can't even smell it anymore because of how many times she's made it.

We all take what we need through music, may it be for inspiration, to meditation, to releasing the stresses within ourselves and to even get out that party type energy we have. It is in our roots and we all get satisfaction from it and that is how we are all connected through music.

Feel free to share your music and write up a post about it, I would like to know what @dawnsheree and @derrangedvisions are listening to. Perhaps @papacrusher and @eonwraped feel like sharing the sounds of what fills their ears on a friday night _ And how about you @ amymya, @eaglespirit, @earthmother. Feel like sharing?


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