Tell Me What Your Hear and I'll Tell You Who You Are

Soul Jazz - Leon Zernitsky

Have you ever wonder if you could possible know a little bit more about a person throughout the music he/she hear?

I do belive that you could. Every thing we do is a direct expression of who we are. And everything we like, hides something that is in a deep part of our soul, this thing is the link that make a bridge that conect us with that object we love, in this case, music.

I love every genre but specialy jazz is very close to my heart. As a musician one must hear every musical expression that you can reach in order to learn a least one thing about it.

I would like to share in this post 5 songs that I think that moves my soul to other level. I wrote this post following the awesome contest that @magicalmoonlight came up with, thank you very much for the great idea. If you want to participate just click on the link and follow the rules @magicalmoonlight/music-heals-the-soul-contest-time

Write it, have fun

Are you ready to know me a little bit more? Let's begin

What kind of fool am I? - Bill Evans - Solo Session Vol 1.

Love of My Life - Queen - At Night A the Opera

Ay Compay Gato - Los Guaracheros de Oriente

Mi Merengue/Acidito (Venezuelan Merengue) - Betsayda Machado feat César Orozco

A Single Petal of a Rosa (Duke Ellington) - Chris Potter (Version)

The are pretty differents songs from each other but I think everyone represent one part of my half blood soul. Hope you like the selection I brought you.

Music is inside us, let's share it because Music Heals the Soul

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