Lessons Learnt From Organising My First Contest - TheGrayContest - My Niche

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I've always been a fan of reading and writing, so creating a platform to encourage writers was a question of when and not if. So I when I made my first 2 SBD on Steemit, I figured the time was right to throw open a contest - #thegraycontest. I announced the contest and sat back, expecting entries.

At the end of the week, I had received an astonishing amount of zero entries. I was devastated. It was as if the contest had never existed. My self confidence suffered the most. I couldn’t bear it alone so I poured my feelings into a post.

Thankfully, I had a couple of folks who immediately rallied around before I drowned in the ocean of deception and self-pity. @penderis, @moeknows and @anotsopopularkid cheered me up with encouraging words. With their help my self confidence began to heal and here I am.

I got the strength to pick myself and got back into business. I announced the second edition that had had about seven entries. I was elated. Since then, #thegraycontest has been on one slow but steady upward movement.

Only yesterday, I announced the winners of the 3rd edition and the theme for the fourth one. Entries have been pouring in and there is a significant attention given to it as well. In retrospect, I believe there are many lessons to glean from my experience and I will touch on a few in this piece.

Things don’t always go as planned

This is, of course, the first lesson I learnt. I had planned it all so wonderfully in my mind only to be disappointed in real life. As humans, one of the things that keeps us going is hope; hope that something good is going to happen or come our way. In this case, it was the success of #thegraycontest. For others, it could a wonderful relationship, awesome job, great rewards and recognition on Steemit, the list is endless.

However, some times we find that things do not go accordingly to our hopes and dreams. In some instances, it could be a complete turnaround. In times like that, I have learnt to find solace in the fact that nobody knows it all. We can always plan and hope. However, we should also learn to realise that things might take a different shape from what we have in mind.

A support system is very important

Looking back, I wondered what would have happened if there was no one to cheer me up. First, I published a post announcing the contest, yet no one shows up. Next, I express my feelings in a post and no one replies. To be honest, I am going to feel entirely neglected. It could have been just the experience that would signal the end of Steemit for me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.

Looking back, I have gotten this far because others decided to lend a helping hand. A timely resteem here, an encouraging comment here, a 100% upvote there; all of these have contributed to my success on Steemit. I believe in individualism and personal freedom. But even humans need a society in other for the beauty of those ideals to radiate.
As we progress either on Steemit or any other endeavour, it is easy to become distracted through meeting new folks who seemingly have much to offer and all. However, if anything should change, it should be the increase of friends and not the replacement of old friends for new. Stand with those who stood by you when you were at your lowest.

Without those who stand by me, I am nothing. And I am forever grateful to them.

Failure is never final

I guess this was explicit in the opening paragraphs but I feel I should say some more on it. It seems the more assured we are of success, the more devastating failure can become. In my case, it was a done deal already. There was no case to expect any kind of failure. I likened it in one of my post to waiting for the sun to rise. The sun rises every morning and you are sure of that fact. And then the one time you were really banking for the sun to shine, you discover the night isn't willing to leave.

However, when things like that happen, it isn't a time to feel dejected. As in the analogy above, the sin will surely shine. You don’t have to give up if at dawn you do not see any ray of sunshine. You have a choice to either resign yourself to failure or tell yourself you can still achieve success. This leads to my last point, always remain positive.

Always remain positive

Irrespective of how it feels or whatever signs we are getting, it is important that we maintain a positive mindset. I am not talking about hoping for the best when reality tells a different story. What I’m talking about is a positive mindset that always put in the best effort in hopes that something good will come out of it.

After the first edition of #thegraycontest where no one showed any interest, I still went ahead to announce the next edition. There was no guarantee that anyone would show any interest, but with encouragement from the folks on Steemit I did it. I simply put in my effort and waited to see what would come out of it. Looking back, I am glad I did.

I heard it somewhere that those who refuse to try have failed already; it is those who attempt to even try that have the chance of success. Do not ever resign to failure. Always put in your best and see how it goes. If it is a success, great. If it isn't, at least you can glean lessons from that experience

Final words

In all, organising my first contest on Steemit was a kind of an eye opener for it. It exposed me to the realities of live, showed me that I had folks to count on and helped me learn perseverance and resilience. I am grateful for the experience, have learnt a few things from it and hope you have too.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry for My Niche Contest organised by @awolesigideon .

Do let me know what you think of my experience in the comment section below.


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