My 2017: Welcoming the new year - Im trying to escape from bullets in a Mountain

Hi My name its Nahu Padilla, From Caracas Venezuela. Here Im an Artist and i try to survive here. Here was an beautiful valley with a lot of amazing celebrations, fireworks, a lot of food, and an amazing economy, in the past very very long ago...but since 18 years ago with this "socialism" from Chavez and now with president Maduro, we have a lot of troubles here... the last year was very quite or modest celebration, cause we dont have a lot of money too spend in food or fireworks or whatever (isn´t an asking for money post), but the last year we have some hope and some happy moments, we was near into a civil war the last year, but now this december its like a tomb. Nobody laughts, a lot of people in the streets starving, asking for food or money, this 24th dec. nobody buy or plays some the past a LOT of loudy noise of them create the ambient of the celebration. Sorry if my post sounds like depress or sad, but here we live like madmax movie. A lot of gangs have guns, and shoots into the air. a lot of lost bullets are in the air´s this days so i trying to escape from Avila Mountain for don´t get one for xmax gift. A lot of friend was killed by delincuency here or kidnapp, others was very far away from here... We chat in Ws remembering all the past xmas with a lot of music. dance, food, parties everywhere, the smiles of the childen, the new clothes, all the amazing stuffs and traditions that we have here in Venezuela, but now we cant buy food or alcohol or new cloth or whatever we want. its so sad... in the past, we smile a lot and dance now its a quiet tension like a zombie movie, a lot of bikes in the streets with guns "sicarios" are searching for victims, and its a lot of chaos here. But i dont wanna put some of this chaos into pics, cause i dont wanna ruin this post. so im going put some of oldies photos of our celebrations here, with my family, a lot of them are pass away, so this 31 im going to light a candle, maybe a meditation and pray for us, for the things will be better here, i will pray for a new government, call for justice here, divine justice, and i try to be safe, into the mountain, cause a lot of people there steal people too, or kill others... so im going to be carefull. If somebody wants to read about or situation here in the end of this post i will put a link (i have a foundation for help people here, homeless, and i put a lot of links about the crisis here). BUT im so happy for staying alive, and i have a smile of my face writing this. Im glad to have some decent food, a laptop and a cellphone. Here all the stuffs are very expensive but im stay alive and with good health, im not asking for more. Bless everyone and thanks for read, if i dont won its ok, i prefeer that other´s people in others countries know about our reality and read about it and help us like praying or something. If i won i put some of steem´s into my foundation for help others to survive here. Here its so complex to live. Blessings and Saludos Amig@s.

Our Magic Sacred Mountain in Caracas: Avila - Guaraira Repano:


My family in Xmas Time (oldies pics):


My Mom I miss her a lot, she and my dad and my four grandparents pass away, i miss theirs laughts and smiles in the familiar big house, with music from Billo´s Frometa Orchestral Songs, a lot of food, a lot of gifts, a big tree, the food table with a loooot of food. hallacas, pan de jamon, ensalada de gallina, cakes, chocolats, jams, but now its impossible to buy that. its expensive a lot to buy fireworks... its a shame, so its better the mountain for pray and meditation i guess.


Well now its january 1st and i didn't go to the mountain yet, i came to my sister house to share the happy new year with her and my niece, so, we can get a modest but amazing funny dinner, i put some pics here, and tomorrow, maybe i will be going into Avila mountain. So, thanks for reading, Bless all, nite. IM VERY HAPPY just right now cause i didn´t know that going to have dinner here, was a little bit like a surprise.

The typical Xmas food here HALLACAS, Jam Bread, Chicken Salad, Green Beans, a plate of fruits (bananas and tangerines) and Quesillo for dessert. Here in Venezuela this meal its so expensive, and im very lucky to get this dinner tonight, cause a lot of people in the streets don´t have food at all, so Thanks God for this

And With my Canelita:



I travel into another Mountain too for get some Bananas for donations, this last 24th dec. 2017

Short-documentary created for Steemit Comunity

by Nahu Padilla - Dec. 2017.

Very few people know the origin of donations from foundations dedicated to helping people in need, this short documentary shows the search for bananas in a mountain, Héroes Anónimos was in charge of the purchase of flour and the search for bananas in this land located in the La Peñita sector of the Edo. Vargas, Venezuela, and shows the link between Héroes Anónimos Foundation & Un Granito por Venezuela organization (@1granitoporvzla), we both are responsible for receiving donations (money, food, toys, used clothes) and in this time "Un granito por Venezuela" prepare some food, in this time "arepas" to deliver to homeless kids and anyone who so need it. All of these activities are for charity and non-profit, our idea is to create a better country...


Thanks to @anomadsoul and @blocktrades for the Contest: @anomadsoul/my-2017-welcoming-the-new-year-contest-250-steem-in-prizes

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