#myexperiment - Exchanging STEEM for VIVA (by @ace108)


I have been seeing a lot of posts about VIVA lately. No, it’s not VISA. If you think it’s VISA, you have not been reading steemit recently.

This is sort the new new thing (no typo here too) and there is a nice compilation from @virtualgrowth in this recent post:
Viva Coin Compilation of Introduction to VIVA Series by @williambanks, Information, Links, Videos, and more

I must admit I still have not time to read much other that the executive summary. So, you do know something more and got some suggestions, please do leave a comment.

I’ve also see you can get this new VIVA with SDB from this post of @chrisaiki:
How to buy VIVA coin from SBD with TradeQwik

Hmm…..this treats SBD as USD but I read SBD is worth a bit more recently from this post of @clayo

Still, I went over to https://www.tradeqwik.com/ and created an account and look at it a bit.

WAIT! I see an option to trade STEEM for VIVA. Let me do #myexperiment.

Experiment| 实验

First, you create an account in tradeqwik and sign into your account.

VIV04-SIGNIN tradeqwik

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/SyQIuKZlJ-

Find your address to which you need to transfer the steem


IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/rJl8_KZxJ-

Account currently has 0 steem.

VIV03-Manage Funds , Steem is 0

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/BkLdY-ekW

Initiate transfer of steem from steemit.

VIV13 - Exchange - Steemit transter

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/HyAG9-eJZ

Transer 88 steem to tradeqwik account.

VIV02-Transfer to Tradeqwik 88

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/HkMIOFbgJW

Steemit shows transfer done.

VIV07- Tradeqwik -Exchange -Viva/Steem - Buy

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/r1NI_KWxy-

You need to wait for a while before you see the steem in the tradeqwik account.

VIV06-Record of 88 steem transfer from steemit

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/S1HUdKZgJW

Go to the Exchange and initiate exchange of steem for Viva.

VIV08 - Steem has 288 now

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/SyLL_tZl1-

Then complete the [Buy VIVA] transaction.

VIV11 - Exchange - Viva/Steem - Buy 288

IMAGE LINK: https://supload.com/Bkq8dKWe1-

Boom! It's done.

And you can also win a VIVA crown. Not much time left for this. If you want to try, click this link now.: http://go.vivaco.in/ref/K6080413

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Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108



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