#myexperiment - 💤Sleeping after coffee☕ at night | 咖啡后之睡眠 (by @ace108)

Usually, after I had coffee at night, I have difficulty sleeping. I tried to avoid coffee after 3:30pm. Sometimes, I still have coffee after that. I know there are people who has no effect after coffee like the person sleeping next to me. After coffee, I would have problem sleeping and seemingly wake up multiple times even if I fall asleep.

通常,晚上喝咖啡后就难入觉。 下午3点半后,我尽量避免咖啡。 有时候,还是喝了。我知道咖啡不是会同样的影响每个人。像在我旁边睡觉的人,没有效果。 喝了咖啡后,还是睡着了。 对我来说,就是难入眠。即使睡了也醒来几次。,看起来很多次醒来。

A story | 一个故事

A group of friends went on a trip to Penang shortly after graduation. I couldn't join them as I already took on a job that sent me to Kansas City for a couple of years. One of the guy could not sleep and decided to go downstairs for coffee. The rest of the gang joined him. After the coffee back in the room, the guy who could not sleep was the first one to fall asleep while the rest could not sleep.

我的一群朋友毕业后不久去了槟城。 我没能参于因为第一份工作已经把我派到堪萨斯城工作几年了。 其中一个人睡不着,决定下楼去喝咖啡。 其余的帮班的去了。 喝完咖啡回到房间后,之前无法入睡的人是第一个睡着了,而其他人却睡不着。

Dinner yesterday | 昨天的晚餐

Yesterday, I was at the Singapore Recreation Club for dinner. I had a set dinner - a western meal with half spring chicken which has all of these plus a coffee and a sweet potato soup for dessert. The phone battery died before coffee and dessert because there is free wifi there.

昨天,我在新加坡娱乐俱乐部吃晚餐。点了个半边童子鸡西套餐有以下顿晚饭 - 一杯西式晚餐,配上一半的鸡尾酒,里面加上一杯咖啡和一个甜薯汤。 手机电池在咖啡和甜点之前死亡,因为那里有免费的无线网络。
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How to sleep tonight? | 今晚怎么睡

So, I was wondering how am I going to fall asleep. #whysocurious me was wondering if it is possible to dilute the effect. I drank a glass of water after dinner and a couple more glasses after I was home. Time to sleep and I slept quite well to my surprise.

我在想晚上应该睡不着了。 我想想有办法冲淡体内的咖啡因吗?晚餐后我喝了一杯水。回家后,又喝了几杯。算做个实验。有点意外的是,昨晚还算睡得不错。

#whysocurious | 还是好奇

#myexperiment seems to be a successful. Perhaps there is some logic to it. #whysocurious me decided to search a little more.


Conclusion 1 | 结论1

Coffee does have effect on you quite fast and it does last for long hours. I didn't have to go beyond the search results to come to this conclusion.


Conclusion 2 | 结论2

It is possible to flush a bit of the caffein out of the system by drinking water. This took a bit more time to go through the results from this search.


The two pages I read to make the conclusions are:

  1. How to reduce the caffeine on your body?
  2. How to Neutralize the Effects of Caffeine

Now, is there any expert out here who can confirm my conclusions?

In the end, this morning I had to wake up to take a leak before I write this post. Oh, is that too much details already?

最后,今天早上我不得不起来小便才来写这帖。 哦,这个太多细节了吗?



Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108



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