MyJuniors Official Announcement - We have a LOGO! Thanks to @zord189! / MyJuniors 正式宣布 - 我们有徽标了!感谢 @zord189!

Time flies. Last Saturday (10th February) we have our MyJuniors launched and 15 children attended the first CNY Decorations Making Workshop. Thank you everyone (our Big Brother @bitrocker2020, all the MyJuniors workshop committees and all the parents and little ones)! Thank you for making this come true!

光阴似剑。刚过去的星期六(二月十日)我们MyJuniors正式组队成功!我们第一次的工作坊也顺顺利利的完成了,一共十五个小朋友出席参与了第一次的农历新年红包饰品制作工作坊。感谢所有人(包括我们的大哥哥 @bitrocker2020,所有工作坊筹委以及爸比妈咪还有可爱的小宝贝们)!感恩有你们的支持和付出,MyJuniors才能有今天出头之日!

On Sunday night, our awesome @zord189 sent us a message in our WhatsApp Group saying that he has made a Logo for MyJuniors. After a few touch-ups, and here I present to all of you, the Official Logo of MyJuniors!!! Super cute! My girls especially Vinnie loves this a lot. Below the logo is the original voice message by Vinnie responding to the logo. If you wanna know more about the logo, please go to @zord189's post. He will explain the design.

星期天晚上,@zord189在我们WhatsApp的组群里给我们发了一张MyJuniors的徽标。经过几次的修改后,让我正式的宣布以下就是我们MyJuniors的徽标了!超可爱的!我女儿们特别是Vinnie非常的喜欢!徽标下的录音就是当晚Vinnie在组群里对徽标的回应。如果你想更加了解这徽标,请移步到 @zord189部落格,他将会对徽标创作的过程一一向大家解说。


If you have no idea what is MyJuniors all about, then here're two posts that you should visit and have a read.


What is MyJuniors? / MyJuniors是什么呢?

Growing TeamMalaysia | The Launch of MyJuniors

Who can use this MyJuniors Official Logo? / 谁可以使用MyJuniors的徽标?

Team Malaysia members and children of Team Malaysia members can use this logo in your posts.


Committee of the first CNY Decorations Making Workshop / 农历新年红包饰品制作工作坊筹委

@bitrocker2020 @littlenewthings @zord189 @aaronleang @joannewong @davidke20 @wendygoh @orangila @karinzdailygrind

Too bad @notimetospace had to excuse herself from the committee because of her internship. Looking forward to having you on board in the next upcoming workshops...

很可惜 @notimetospace 因为她的实习工作让她无法抽身参与我们第一次的工作坊。非常期待下一场你的加入哦!

And really wanna thanks @myach and @sndbox for supporting all projects within Team Malaysia.

还有要向 @myach@sndbox 说声谢谢!谢谢你们的支持让大马队能够有无限的可能! (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

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