Making something from nothing - #MyPictureDay entry

Saturday - finally some more time to grab the camera and rest of the gear and go out. Of course like it is happening all the time when I have free time - the weather and lighting conditions were not very promising - in one word - NOTHING really amazing was going on outside... flat sky, almost no light and colors... but I decided to go anyway, because there is always something to shoot, right? So i decided to make SOMETHING from this nothing...

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I went to the beach near Ranheim, middle Norway, which is situated not a long distance from my home. There is a part of the shore with very old wooden poles - reminings from sea port which was here many years ago...

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I was quite surprised when I saw the water - it was dirty - I saw it like this after stormy weather , but last days were quiet so I have no idea why it looked like this. But to be honest - I think it gives quite a nice effect on the shots.

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Maybe the weather and other conditions werent perfect, but I breath a fresh air - almost feel the incoming spring time! I quiet the mind, gather thoughts and I think I managed to make few good frames from which I am quite happy - Something from Nothing.

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Gear used for the photos: Canon 6D + Canon 16-35mm f4.0 + NiSi polarizer + NiSi ND1000 + Cokin ND 0.6 Medium, tripod
Exposures time - 30 seconds


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Thanks for watching and have a great day!

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