Home Remedies - Natural Medicine Fortnightly Challenge!

My entry to the #NaturalMedicine Challenge - Home Remedies

When it comes to regular ailments, I always prefer doing my Home remedies rather than going for pills and toxifying my body further. I do not remember when did I last take a pill for any regular problem like headache, flu.....and I am so happy about that. Even when last year I had a problem with my back I had only 1 pill for pain reliever in the span of my 4 months ailment and it did not work effectively so I never took it after that.

Today I will share some of my home remedies that I use for common problems of Cough, Cold, Headache, Flu, Body pain and so on. First of all thankfully I never fall sick, so the use is much less but I always recommend it to people and they find it effective.


Home Remedy for problems of Cough, Cold, Headache, Flu:

Clinical Treatment - Antibiotics

Home Remedy - This mixture I also prepare and have it on regular basis and not only when I am sick. This one helps build up immunity and reduce inflammation in the body.


Mint Leaves
Tulsi Leaves
Ginger chopped into small pieces
Cinnamon pieces
Pinch of Turmeric powder.
Add all of it in water and boil it for 10 minutes, and have it.
This mixture is very very effective for Cough. It gives relief in a day or two if had 3 to 4 glasses in a day.
My Mom has a regular cough problem, whenever she is with me, I make this for her and she feels a lot of relief. Her sleep also gets better.

Consumption of diluted Oregano Oil is also a good therapy to address this issue.

If the cough is too bad one can also keep some cloves in mouth and sleep. This will completely give a relaxation to the throat and one can sleep peacefully.

Insomnia, Snoring & Nightmares

Clinical Treatment - Sleeping pills

Home Remedy - This one is my super favorite because this is a Crystal therapy. If one has a snoring or Insomnia problem then this crystal therapy is very effective to use.


Rose quartz Crystal
Aventurine Crystal
Amethyst Crystal
All the crystal should be in small tumble form or small rocks which will be comfortable to keep under the pillow. In one or two days you will see the difference and the person sleeping next to you will also get peaceful sleep...😃😃

I used this therapy for my Husband cause he has a major snoring problem. It works beautifully and I get peaceful sleep.

For Nightmares

Black Tourmaline
Smokey Quartz

Nightmares occur when one has some unknown fears, phobias or when one is not grounded enough. This crystal therapy helps balance the energies and brings in stability. Small tumble form or small rocks to be kept under the bed-sheet on the leg side. Do not make a mistake to keep it under the pillow else one has chances to lose sleep.


Anxiety, Fear, Stress, Depression

Clinical Treatment - Antidepressants pills

Home Remedy - These are destructive patterns and can lead to major health issues if not controlled.

  • A Himalayan rock salt head bath. One can do it for a prolonged period on a daily basis
  • Daily White light Meditation
  • Keeping a Selenite & Amethyst Crystal around
  • Positive affirmations

This is a very subtle treatment and will take sometime to show results but once it starts it will work beautifully addressing the problem at the root level.
Whenever I feel low, I do a 3 day cycle of this and by 3rd day I am up and running around.

Body Pain

Clinical Treatment - Anti-inflammatory pills

Home Remedies - Body pain is one regular issue, if one has had a hectic day it is very much obvious a body pain may occur. So for that you do not need to take pills to comfort yourself. Rather use these therapies and there will be relief.

  • Best is to give body enough rest and recover by itself
  • Himalayan Rock Salt- A big piece of Himalayan rock salt should be heated up for 15 to 20 seconds and then to be massaged on the paining part. This will help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain
  • A paste of Gram flour, Turmeric and Himalayan Bath salt powder to be made and applied all over the body. Keep it for a minimum of 10 minutes on the body and then bath off. This will help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain
  • A clear quartz crystal massager can be used on the paining area, this will give relief over a period of 2 to 3 days.


I was a heavy Asthmatic patient as a Child and this was the Therapy that my father did it for me for around 3 years and it cured me by 95%.

  • A raw egg (free range) everyday in morning first thing to be consumed.
  • 2 hrs later to this a glass of milk with a powder mixture of walnut, almonds, cardamom, saffron to be had.

I advise this to many but don't really see anyone following it, cause the idea of having raw eggs disgust many and it is a prolonged one.

For Dandruff and Hair fall

Home Remedy - Prepare Onion juice and apply it to the scalp. Leave it for 1 hour maximum and wash it with lukewarm water. In 1 application you will have a clear scalp and also feel the smoothness and softness in the Hair. Regular application will help reduce hair fall and also promote new hair growth. I do this therapy once a month and find it very very effective.

These are some of my regular home made therapies for most common problems. Crystals can be used for almost every ailment, the only thing one needs is patience while using them as they take time to start working with you and for you to feel the change.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍

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