Do you know how to plant purple basil? - I explain your step by step

Purple basil plant

Hello to all and to all, in this opportunity I will teach you a practical way to obtain seed and in turn plant a basil plant of a purple species.

The plant that you will see in the photographs below, is an adult plant that has already completed its flowering process and has its seeds located where the flower dried. So we proceed to cut this dry section of the plant with a disinfected tool so as not to mistreat the mother plant.

Flower of basil plant

Cutting the dried flower with the right tool

Once the dried flower of the plant is cut, the dried flower begins to crumble; It is a very boring step but the success and perfect extraction of the basil seed depends on it

Dried flowers cut from basil plant

Dry Basil Flower

The crumbled flower and the seed can be seen at the bottom of the hand

Dry flower and basil seeds

Once the basil seeds have been obtained, we are going to plant them; For this we will need a place to sow the basil seeds, since we will prepare a space to plant.

First of all we have to get a container, then we put it in the ground and we moisten it to later place solid Californian earthworm humus, this will help maintain moisture and add nutrients to the plants while they are growing.

Container with selected basil seeds

Place where the seeds will be planted

Extracting the earthworm humus solid

Placing the solid humus in the place where the basil seeds will be planted

To conclude we water the seeds all around the place and with the hand we place a thin layer of earth, with this we are contributing with the reproduction and the complete sowing of a crop very used in the culinary area.

Spreading the basil seed

Placing a thin layer of soil where the basil seed was planted

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