'Bowser' As a Bug: 2-4-1 Post: Ecobug Challenge Feat: @papa-pepper's Photo Challenge! Guest Appearance by: Femme Fetale šŸšŸ¢šŸ¦‹

Did someone turn 'Bowser' into a yellow bug? This guy reminds me of Mario Cart and Super Smash Bros! I guess it would actually be a realistic game to be called "Super Smash BUGS!" since so many critters end up beneath our feet however, no smashing of bugs happened here!

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Alright everyone, here is another crazy looking critter I found on one of my strolls! Can you tell me what it is? If you're able to identify it, I will send you a gift! =D


Out playing in the fields, camera in my hand for ecotrain's egobug-challenge in combination with @papa-pepper's combination photography challenge I was greeted by many animals who wanted to be involved! Originally I was trying to capture the 'femme fatale' spider that I had once wrote a post about you can see that post here!

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However, with my head as close to it as I was comfortable with (and not wanting to test her patience with me), I saw this eye-catching incredible creature crawling up a branch and decided to refocus on it instead!


I attempted telepathy with the creature "Would you like to climb on board a beautiful flower, friend? @papa-pepper likes his plants and animals to party together!"

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He must have heard me and confirmed he indeed, wanted to party because as you can see, he found himself getting acquainted in no time!


I found him in some plants near the rice terraces behind my house in Bali, Indonesia. Being from North America originally, this new (to me) tropical natural world always amazes me with its vibrancy and uniqueness! There is never any shortage of color on the bugs around here!


Now, to get the proof! Since I had no idea what this little guy was or how interested he was in being on my face, I rushed this proof-shot and so the little critter is a little bit hard to see with all of the yellow happening here, however, I have drawn you an arrow ;)


I'm excited to see if someone can tell me what he is!

I am always interested in learning more about what's around me! Just for more fun, I decided to open this identification task to you all instead of checking myself, so we can see what you all come up with! Isn't this fun?

If you like this buggy-bug world, @papa-pepper is running his contest now and ecotrain has just started theirs which will run every Monday! Let's show Steemit the natural world around us and encourage a bit more time outdoors, basking in the beauty nature surrounds us with! Finally let me leave you with a short poem I wrote to all the bugs out there:

Vow to the Critters:

I'm sorry I was fearful,
And never tried to understand,
I'm sorry I smooshed you,
In between my feet and hands,
I want things to be different,
I want to see you now,
I promise to love you and appreciate you,
This is my nature vow.

Sending you love today and everyday, encouraging you to stop and take in the beauty and magnificence there is around us! Check out my blog for all of the things in life that bring me joy, sunshine and happiness, delivered straight through my senses, shared with yours!

Check out #ecotrain for Earth-loving and inspiring posts!
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