#AnimalPhotography: Sssssnake of the day #NightAdder

DESPITE the overwhelming fear surrounding snakes, most people are unaware that some of the most feared snakes actually can't kill humans - a prime example just so happens to be a snake I got to play with today.

The dreaded Night Adder! 😱 😱 😱

People fear these beautiful creatures for no reason but, that's not to say that a bite from this cytotoxic beauty is not harmful.

#Caption: Can somebody teach me how to pout?

You'll certainly know you've been bitten that's for sure - but keeping in mind the fact that at most, you'll simply experience a degree of physical pain, as well as swelling but, you certainly won't die.

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However, it is still advised to get treatment - these snakes can be found almost anywhere in our province (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) and they mostly prefer areas where there are dams and rivers, especially if there are loads of frogs - they might even go for rats or mice however I have never come across this.

In most cases where people have been bitten by this snake, the pain was described as a large electrical shock, which after reaching it's height, should die down after six days with all symptoms in most cases completely gone after 10 days.

Interestingly, this is not your average Adder - they are completely different from the Puff, Gaboon and Berg Adders and even have their own genus, Causus as opposed to Bitis.

#Caption: Look into my eyes, oh wait, you're not a frog.

The Nigh Adder, as opposed to other Adders, does not give birth to live Adders and instead, lays eggs - they can lay up to 20 eggs.

ALSO READ: #AnimalPhotography: The Herald Snake, a near harmless South African beauty

And believe it or not, contrary to the name, Night Adders do not only come out at night.

When taking on a defensive stance, a Night Adder will hiss greatly and might even puff similarly to a Puff Adder. It is advised to back up slowly in such a case as the snake will then scurry off rather fast into a nearby bush in an attempt to make it's escape.


Should you wish to use these photos - credit accordingly using: Juan Venter/@imagendevoz


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