Save Abongphen Highland Forest: Bannerman's turaco (Tauraco bannermani) – ENDANGERED (last 1,500 individuals)!

I would say critically endangered species according to the rate of deforestation going on in the only areas where this large colorful beautiful bird lives. Probably only 1,500 mature individuals (the most positive estimate says 7,500) left in nature. This endemic species is also very strictly depending on forest cover. It lives only in elevation 2,000 m asl (-+200 m). So elevated places with forest are found just two. Kilum-Ijim Forest and Abongphen Highland Forest where is situated our conservation center.

Turaco is actually really noisy bird. You could hear it from very long distanc. If you want to see it you have to be very quite and patient one.

The bird is symbol of Bamenda Highlands (biodiversity hotspot) not only biologicaly but also culturaly. Almost every community lives around the hills or on its tops uses the red feather traditionaly as a titel of important persons in the village. Only men wear them pined in their caps.

More information about Bannerman's turaco find on IUCN red list!

Look at these beautiful pictures and ask yourself whether even you could do something to save this majestic bird. We are on Steemit so the answer is obviously YES. :)

pictures taken by my friends Tomas Grim, Tomas Berger and me.








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Let's join forces to save the Abongphen Highland Forest in Cameroon. Get more information about our conservation program HERE!

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