The 4000 Years old Cypress Tree 🌲🌳🌳🌲

This one is a real beauty and a marvel of nature. I wonder how these things happen in the universe so marvelous and unbelievable..

This ancient Cedar Tree is considered to be one of the oldest creature on earth. This tree is more than 4000 years old and the scientist believe that it can reach upto an age of 8000 years. Isn't that something magnificent. It is located in the Yazd province of Central Iran. It is ranked on No 4 position in the world oldest Trees.


Some historians also claim that this Cedar Tree was planted by Yafth the son of Noah. The height of this tree is 25 metres with a trunk perimeter of 11.5 meters.

It was really a wonder sight to see. When I had a look at it the first sight of it left me in awe. I felt like transported back and could imagine how this tree must have survived 1000s of years across all time, spaces and dimensions. This Tree must have seen all the wars, the changes of Dynasties, the change of rulers, so much of it that even the history may have no records of.


I wanted ro hug this Tree to feel the warmth of its nurturing loving energies but the sad part is now they have fenced the area and you can see it only from far. It was open to the public to come closer to the Tree untill 3 years back. My bad luck :( but I feel blessed to witness this marvel.


I will term this one as the Natural wonder of the World.

On a lighter note, this was outside a coffee shop in the area.


With Love and Angels Blessings πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸ§šβ€β™€

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