Ork Assault - Game 1 - Introduction and Rules

Welcome to Ork Assault!


Welcome to the new Ork Assault game.
We had a super amount of fun playing Ork Hulk and now I'd like to open it up a bit more to resemble more of a Warhammer 40K battle.

Starting map

I'm still creating the map, but here is the first chunk:

Click on the image to get a larger version

I'll update this post with the full map once I'm finished with it.


Ork Assault is a turn based game where players are assaulting an Imperial Guard encampment to take their stash of STEEM. Players play as special characters from the Ork Army. Rank and file Ork Boyz will also assist in the assault.

Players can pick any square in the starting zone (rows A and B) to begin the game.


The player who picks up the Steem icon wins 2 Steem.
The player with the most kills at the end of the game also wins 2 Steem.


Leave a comment below. The game will start in a couple of days. Pick your character from the table below.

Player characters

Players get to select the special character they wish to play as at the start of the game.

The images in the table below are from the Games Workshop website searching under Orks.

CharacterImageWeaponSpecial Ability
Painboy99070103002_OrkPainboy01.jpgPowerKlawHeal a wound of an adjacent player on 3+.
Mek 99070103001_OrkMek01.jpgKustom Shoota & Big SpannaTeleports around the battlefield.
Weirdboy 99800103004_WeirdboyNEW01.jpgNoneDetails below.
MegaNob 99120103035_MegaNobz03.jpgRokkit Launcha & PowerKlawCybork Armour.
Runtherder 99120103018_GretchinNEW02.jpgGrabba Stikk5 gretchin.
Stormboy 99120103020_StormboyzNEW01.jpgKnife & SluggaRokkitpack.
Burna Boy 99120103014_BurnasNEW02.jpgBurnaNone.
Kommando 99810103013_OrkKommandosNEW03.jpgChoppa, Slugga & Krak GrenadeStealth.

Player character extra information

Painboy - The Painboy can heal a wound on a D6 roll of 3+. This takes place of a normal attack and happens after moving.

Kustom Shoota - The Mek has kustomized his shoota to fire rockets instead of bolts. It wounds it's target on a 3+ and if it successfully wounds, then it explodes and can also wound all adjacent enemies on a 5+.

Mek Teleporta - The Mek can choose to teleport around the battlefield instead of moving normally, the teleporter has a minimum range of 6 squares and a maximum range of 12 squares. The target square does not have to be in the Mek's Line of Sight. The Mek must make a Teleporta Test role before moving by rolling a D6 (@rollthedice). On a roll of 1 the Mek goes backwards the same intended distance. If this takes the Mek off the board or lands in a wall, the Mek ends up on the nearest available square. The Mek cannot teleport into an occupied square, and will appear adjacent to that square.

Weirdboy - The weirdboy is a psyker, which means he has psychic powers fueled by the warp. The warp is filled with demons that curse and torment him. As such, he has to roll 2+ whenever he wants to use a power... on a roll of 1 his brain is attacked by the Warp and he loses a wound. Psychic powers are used instead of fighting, so after the Weirdboy's movement phase:

PowerRangeRoll to woundSpecial rules
Smite12 squares5+
Headbanger3 squares3+Kills instantly
Warpath6 squares3+Doubles the attacks of an friendly Ork
Da Jump8 squaresNACan move any player or enemy anywhere within LoS. This counts as their move for that turn.

Since the Weirdboy attacks the mind directly, so ignores cover and close combat rules.. but he must have line of sight on his target.

Gretchin - Gretchin are bullied and corralled around by the Runtherder. They are smaller, sneakier and quicker versions of their Ork cousins. The Gretchin can move 8 squares, and charge 10 squares... but they will never move further than 8 squares away from the Runtherder. They are armed with a knife and a grot blasta each. Every time a gretchin dies, another will come running towards the Runtherder from the starting zone.

Rokkit Pack - The Stormboy can choose to jet pack around the battlefield instead of moving normally, the jet pack has a minimum range of 6 squares and a maximum range of 12 squares. The target square does not have to be in the Stormboy's Line of Sight. The Stormboy must make a Rokkit Test role before moving by rolling a D6 (@rollthedice). On a roll of 1 the Rokkit sets the Stormboy on fire and he suffers a wound. The Stormboy can land on an enemy which will wound that enemy on a roll of 2+. If the enemy survives the enemy will be pushed back a square. Once the Stormboy lands he can attack normally.

Stealth - Ork Kommandos are sneaky and use camouflage and cover to their advantage. All enemies firing at an Ork Kommando suffer a -1 Wound Modifier unless the Kommando is within 4 squares.

Line of Sight and Cover

This icon represents a sandbag wall:
A player or enemy adjacent to the length of a sandbag wall receives a bonus -2 modifier to wound.
A player or enemy adjacent to the length of a sandbag wall can fire normally.
A player or enemy not-adjacent but have a sandbag wall in between them have a -1 modifier to wound.
A player and enemy both adjacent to either side of a sandbag wall receive no modifier if firing at each other. They are not in close combat though.

In the diagram above, the Imperial Guard with the bolt pistol can wound the Big Shoota Ork on a 5+. The Big Shoota Ork however, can only wound the Bolt Pistol Imperial Guard on a 5+ because that Guardsman is behind the sandbags. The Big Shoota Ork can wound the other Guardsman on the usual Big Shoota roll of 3+.

Grenades, Flamethrowers/Burnas and Physic Attacks ignore cover modifiers, so would wound both Guardsman normally.

Players nor enemies can charge or be in close combat through a brick or sandbag wall.

The Line of Sight rules are changing slightly.
They were too vague in the previous game, since a weapon had an obvious range North, South, East & West... but North-North-East, etc got confusing. Weapons seemed to shoot further diagonally which doesn't make sense.

Any players unsure of weather they can hit an enemy, please ask in the comments and I'll add this range template. In the above diagram, the Bolt Pistol Imperial Guardsman can wound any enemies within 3 squares... which is everyone in the red range zone. While the Big Shoota Ork in the top right hand corner is technically within 3 squares, it won't be allowed if they're not covered by this template.

The concrete walls block Line of Sight completely, so neither the Bolt Pistol Imperial Guardsman nor the Big Shoota Ork can wound each other.


  • Players can move 6 squares in a turn.
  • Players starting over may take an Advancing move of 12 squares if there are no enemies within 10 rows down.
  • Players can not occupy the same square as an enemy or another player.
  • Players can pass through squares occupied by players, but not enemies.
  • Players can also choose to shoot or charge into hand to hand combat. A charging player moves 8 squares and gets a +1 to wound. This modifier only applies to the first attack of the charging turn.
  • Players or enemies in adjacent squares are in close combat, even if no charge was declared.
  • Players or enemies can charge into close combat to any adjacent square, even if that square is diagonal.
  • Players or enemies in adjacent squares diagonally are in close combat... despite not being able to move diagonally.
  • No weapons get an auto-wound... if modifiers stack up to equal +1, that automatically becomes a 2+.
  • A teleport or rokkit jump does not count as a charge.
  • Players can flee from close combat, but must roll a 4+. On a roll of 1, 2 or 3 they suffer a wound to represent being hit when their back was turned.
  • Players can shoot through squares other players are in.
  • Players will shoot the closest enemy in a bunch, but can spread successful shots around.
  • Players can not shoot an enemy in close combat with another player.
  • Players and enemies can charge into already existing close combat, They get an extra +1 modifier since their target is already distracted by the other combatant. This modifier only applies to the first attack each turn.
  • Players start with 3 wounds which can be lost over multiple turns. A player who loses all 3 wounds is dead and can choose to start again.
  • Players keep their kill count for the entire game regardless of deaths.
  • Enemies have 1 wound.
  • Enemies move in the same way as players.
  • Enemies will move at the Game Masters (@daclawboyz) discretion.
  • New players can start at any time.
  • All players and enemies will have at least a combat knife at all times.
  • Players will be represented by their Steem profile pics.
  • There is no friendly fire.
  • Players can not move diagonally.
  • Ammunition (including grenades) is unlimited.
  • Players may only choose to charge if their enemy is within 8 squares.
  • Extra rules can be added during gameplay for certain new enemy types.
  • The room that the Steem is in must be cleared of all enemies before the Steem can be collected.


  • Players move first. Enemies move after all players have completed their actions.
  • Players will have 24 hours to list their actions in the comments.
  • Move turns are based on which players comment first.
  • After 24 hours the enemies will take their actions


NameMeleeRangeRoll to woundSpecial rules
KnifeYes1 square6+One attack.
ChoppaYes1 square5+One attack.
Power KlawYes1 square3+Three attacks. Can also attack walls/sandbags.
Big SpannaYes1 square4+One attack.
Grabba StikkYes1 square4+Two attacks.
Grot BlastaYes2 squares5+One shot.
SluggaYes3 squares5+Two shots in both range and close combat.
ShootaNo6 squares5+Two handed. Two shots.
Kustom ShootaNo6 squares3+One shot. If successfully wounds, then adjacent enemies can be wounded on 5+.
Big ShootaNo12 squares3+Four shots. Move or shoot.
BurnaYes3 squares2+Hits all enemies in range.
Rokkit LaunchaNo12 squares3+Can also attack walls/sandbags.
Frag GrenadeNo4-8 squares5+9 square AOE
Krak GrenadeNo4-8 squares3+4 square AOE

Grenades must be thrown a minimum of 4 squares so they don't wound the player.

Imperial Guard have similar weapons, but with different names:

Ork WeaponImperial Guard version
SluggaBolt Pistol
Big ShootaHeavy Bolter


NameNegative ModNotes
Cybork Armour-2Movement halved.
Kustom Force Field-2Field dies after 5 wounds


  • Players must comment their actions. @daclawboyz will either roll on their behalf and work out the results or they can use the @rollthedice bot.
  • Each player should browse the comments of each turn before they take their action, just in case enemies have already been killed.
  • Updates will be made to a turn post after player moves for transparency and clarity, but please browse previous comments to your own actions to ensure you're making decisions with the latest information.
  • Players who are killed may start again next turn in the starting area.


As Games Master, I reserve the right to add, remove or adjust the rules as we go to ensure the game is played in the manner it was designed. I know I haven't thought of every possible scenario, and while I'll always try and be fair, I will make judgement calls to help make the game fun, interesting and intriguing. I'm happy to discuss any and all rules with players.


Ask away, obviously we're kinda working this out as we go along.

And finally

This game was inspired by the Zombie game run by @happyme and the Steem Marine initiative by @malicered, but is unique on the blockchain in it's complexity and the level of decision-making required of players. It is definitely one of a kind and I'm very excited to run this game entirely on Steem.

With the exception of the Games Workshop miniatures in the Player Character table, all images on this page have been created by @daclawboyz for Ork Assault.

Thanks so much for playing!


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