Ork Assault (Game 1) - Turn 22

Ork Assault Title.png

Welcome to the twenty first turn of Ork Assault!

All the rules and starting information is here : Ork Assault Rules.

Review of last turn

The Orks are coming!
The grots and guardsman have been tangled in melee for a couple of turns now, the few guardsman holding back the tide of greenskins in their narrow corridor, but their fight may be in vain as the horde of Orks approaches. The battle in the last room is looking to be huge!


Unit IconUnit TypeUnit IconUnit Type
Friendly Ork Shoota.pngFriendly Ork ShootaFriendly Ork Slugga.pngFriendly Ork Slugga
Enemy Bolt Gun 2.pngEnemy Bolt GunEnemy Bolt Gun.pngEnemy Bolt Gun
Enemy Bolt Pistol.pngEnemy Bolt PistolEnemy Heavy Bolter.pngEnemy Heavy Bolter

Game Map

Click on the map for a bigger version

Thanks so much for playing!

All images on this page have been created by @daclawboyz for Ork Assault.


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