[Bitshares Update] New Node (Thailand) by APAsia.tech [Reality]

As @britcoins (CEO of AP Asia Tech Co., LTD.) announced earlier through @apasia.tech, right here on Steem, in this Post, we proudly present today first Bitshares node in Thailand!

Well, our apasia.tech domain was (still is for now) down due to some very unlucky timing, less than 24 hours from the announcement! So probably many of you thought this was hoax-a-like stuff again on Steem. Well, we assure you it is not!

Introducing the node/configuration

It's running on a VPS instance, with /dev/shm configured on 60GB according to similar blockchain configuration of a steem node, and going around the config.ini abilities on Bitshares blockchain, I've simply removed 'blockchain' as folder in witness_node_data_dir/ and made a symlink to real 'blockchain' folder under /dev/shm :)

VPS is on SSD, with 8GB of ram, and currently, it's been syncing 14 million blocks ( February 2017 ) and it's still stable even though 8GB of real RAM are out already and SSD has been performing well :)

OS: Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 Server

APAsia.tech domain is back online

I'm still doing DNS entries, and while apasia.tech main website remains offline (until Monday, emails and hosting clients are priority), bitshares.apasia.tech should resolve to anytime soon, so try to ping about an hour from this post and give some feedback on ms and your location :)

Bitshares main account and witness status

We are not producing any blocks at the moment, or have been setting up a witness account yet, but after the sync is done, apasia.tech will register new steem account that we will use for post about why we are introducing witness to the network, and the whole process of running active witness that needs to be followed.

Official Bitshares Life-Time Premium Account (apasia-tech) will create and upgrade witness once when we are running successful and operating nodes in Thailand.

Signup with us for the best DEX Blockchain Available on the Market! Expand BTS Community!

On behalf of @apasia.tech

Cheers to all of you,

Digital Lucifer

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