Back to work! Weekly Update for BlockPay, Stealth, C-IPFS, Carbon and more...

At the keyboard once again! :)

First of all, a HUGE thank you to @onceuponatime for funding me and my Dev teams so that we can get back to work again.

To recap, all of the code that we produce always has been and always will be open source and MIT Licensed. Anyone who works for me also agrees that their code cannot be claimed as theirs after uploaded to my github (I know that sounds bad, but recently there were "IP" issues raised). In addition to the Developer Agreements, you can see the copyright/license stuff in everything we build, on my github, all over the google play app store and even in the end user license agreement (EULA) of the app itself. I encourage people to fork, tweak and compete. The more people that use our products, the sooner we can change the hierarchical system that we live in now. I am a Decentralizer. In my opinion, our products can literally save lives.


Fyi, I also do NOT sign non-disclosure or non-compete agreements since I am agorist. I believe in the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP), peaceful parenting, free-markets and counter-economics. So, for future reference, anyone who tries to bully me (or harassing my family!) into selling out, signing away my human rights, or discarding my morals can take a hike.

I like to invent and build chain-agnostic crypto infrastructure. The current projects we are working on include Stealth (zero-knowledge super-secure transactions on the Bitshares platform ("unknown" sent "n" "unknown" to "unknown")), C-IPFS (secure, decentralized filesystems and apps, etc), BlockPay (enables any merchant to accept one or more digital currencies at zero cost), Carbon (a mobile wallet that will have a new UI/UX and natively supports 6 different blockchains (including Steem of course), graphenej (a mobile app developers library for the Bitshares chain), Bridge (a library for launching your own crypto-to-crypto swap service), Trezor and Ledger Nano S support (to put some of your crypto into cold storage). Now that funding has been secured again, we can get back to work on all of these projects and more.

Keep an eye on my github as the work gets rolling again:

Some of my Devs had to find other work because of the funding issue, but now most of them are back in the saddle and picking up where they left off. None of my Devs left me. All of them have confirmed that they will be back with me asap (the remaining guy's contract will end on July 10th). I will be bringing back a few of my other long-time Devs soon too.

Starting today, I am resuming my weekly tech reports. I like to keep everyone informed on what we are building and post links to our github commits and talk about the past week, what is upcoming, etc.

For those who are wondering, I am still holding all of my BLOCKPAY tokens. Actually, I think I have bought more of them than anyone. Once the BitShares Munich IVS mess is dealt with (our lawyers are on it), then we will figure out a good plan for the BLOCKPAY tokens and the 600,000 STEALTH tokens that I bought for my company too. With my Dev teams resuming work and new releases forthcoming again, I would like to build as much value as possible obviously so that we all benefit. I will provide more details on this as soon as I can.


Ok, so let's get to this week's updates:

Stealth - The bitshares-core work is on hold this week since he has a serious family issue, but the secure automated backups work via C-IPFS is rolling along nicely. See my github link above. We're getting the kademlia to communicate with go-ipfs nodes now, and through the multistream we're now adding in the secio encryption that we built. The new UI is basically done, including my "3-way switch" idea (Normal, Blinded, or Stealth) and is just waiting for the new bitshares-core calls since we recently switched from the slow libsnark code to CA (Confidential Assets).

BlockPay - Work on BlockPay resumed just this week, so next friday I will have more to talk about. This Dev team needs to spend a couple days getting up to speed first and where they left off etc, then see if there are any outstanding bugs or github issues that need to be addressed, then the 2.0 work can really resume. Decentralizing the app itself, starting on the updated UI/UX, updating the Bridge, etc.

"Carbon" (Smartcoins Wallet v2.0) - Work on the Smartcoins Wallet resumed 3 days ago. Since there was some concern about me posting that Carbon Wallet video demo a couple months ago here, I will replace the "Denzel" avatar with something else and repost the video so you guys can actually see the new design and UX etc. Debugging Steemd now for RPC protocol for transfer operations. Finished the Dash InstantSend code. Yubikey Neo (NFC) support is being worked on again too starting next week. It's no small task to create a mobile wallet that natively supports 6 blockchains and is easy enough for Grandma to want to use it.

Trezor and Ledger Nano S - Trezor work is on hold for a bit since they are upgrading their firmware and I do not want to waste time or money on something that may become outdated or obsolete. Ledger Nano S support (also for Bitshares and Carbon) will begin in a few weeks after my last Dev gets off his existing contract that he had to take.

Bridge - This is basically done already, it just needs to be installed on our testnet. The Dev for this product is working on the C-IPFS portion of Stealth right now though, since I feel that Stealth is a higher priority.

graphenej - We are adding to this library again starting next week. This lib allows mobile developers to integrate their android apps with the Bitshares chain.

Next week I will have even more to talk about, so please Follow me here and spread the word!

Let's Agorise the world! :)

kenCode AT protonmail ch
BlockPay group chat:

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