Smartcoins Wallet, BlockPay, Ledger Nano S, Stealth, BitShares Munich IVS... Weekly Report

Man it's nice to be back to work again, we are rollin faster than ever now, thanx again to @onceuponatime! Keep rollin rollin rollin... :)

So, thanx to Steemit, my last job posting was a success, so I Signed on the new Stealth Core replacement guy and he is getting up to speed right now, and I also Signed on an additional C/C++ Dev so that we can get Bitshares added to the Ledger Nano S cold-storage device (for those of you that want to keep your Bitshares assets secured offline).

Aaaaaalrighty then, so let's get to this weeks updates!


Status of the BitShares Munich IVS hostile takeover attempt - The shareholders meeting on the 11th really sucked ass. Apparently, in Denmark, the court sees my 51% ownership and you-know-who's 49% ownership as a "50/50", but if I had retained 60% or more, then removing him from CEO/CFO would have been much easier. On the plus side, you-know-who has until July 28th to show us the accounting ledger that I've been screaming about. If he won't finally show it to me, well, then apparently he has to show it by that date to the Danish government. The clock is ticking...

Btw, not sure if anyone has noticed, but you-know-who has now deleted his vBlog videos from youtube and has been removing his face from the social sites. Interesting.

Also, my attorney has recently uncovered some more damning evidence of, well, bad stuff. Dear you-know-who, just leave man. You and your buddy are fighting for "IP" in a decentralized world of open source. Get it? Don't drag his name through the mud with you.

So, now you-know-who must probably either 1: Settle with me (that may be tough since I'm Agorist and will NEVER sign the non-compete agreement he's been pushing on me), or, 2: I get a better offer, or, 3: he leaves and I get to deal with the mess, or, 4: the company gets liquidated (at least that is how I understand it) on July 28th. If the Danish gov takes control of the funds from him (looks like he moved most of the funds here), I would think that may be good news for all of us BLOCKPAY token holders, since all the debts will probably get paid off (I heard there was around $150K due in Mexico, plus anything that the Danish and German governments demand from him), and the Danish gov would hopefully disperse the rest of those funds to us token holders (in that echocold1 account, plus whatever else is uncovered like the BTC, ETH, etc). No guarantees though, I am pushing the lawyers as hard as I can (thanx again to onceuponatime!) to get you-know-who to make good with the 800+ people (including Rodrigo and I) who have acquired those tokens. Anyway, from that point, I can keep right on improving BlockPay and launching more products, and we would NOT have to rebrand it like you-know-who had mentioned on mumble. Either way, it looks like I may be able to get my bills caught up soon, but he needs to give up on the "IP" thing. IT'S OPEN SOURCE YA DINGLE-BERRY! anyway..

Warning: If you go into a Partnership with someone, make damn sure you can get rid of him if you have to, keep 60% ownership or more. Make sure you can access the funds if you have to. Make sure you understand that if you create a government document together and things go haywire, that it will probably take another government document to end it. A business Partnership is just like a marriage on a stupid piece of paper. Paper started this mess and more stupid paper is needed to end it. Whatever happened to a man's WORD? ok, enough rant for today. -There will be less rant next week since we have to (more or less) just sit here till July 28th.


Ledger Nano S - A few days ago I hired the guy that will be coding the core of the Ledger Nano S firmware. This device will allow you to store all of your Bitshares assets offline in what's known as cold-storage. Right now, we are just working with the Ledger core Devs for a couple more days and they are helping us to get up to speed, ship us the device itself this week, and then jump into the code which will be uploaded like everything else, open source of course, to my github here:


Stealth - As I mentioned above, I also hired the replacement Dev for Stealth Core. This is the math guru who is working with the Blockstream Confidential Assets (CA) code now, and you will start seeing his commits on my github link above as well. Some of it here, specifically:

Once the Stealth Core has an api that can be connected to (also open source for other projects we are doing), then we can slap all kinds of UI's onto it. I plan on adding Stealth transactions support to the Carbon wallet as well...


BlockPay - We are now adding a "Setup Wizard" to BlockPay so that the initial setup of BlockPay is WAY easier. Like click-click-done kinda easy. Setting up the surety and connection to the bridge like Blocktrades is also gonna be way easier now. By upgrading the architecture to graphenej, we can make this process seamless, and WAY faster. Don't get me wrong, our BlockPay Ambassadors are great, but if some zit faced cashier has to set it up, holy crap forget about it. Setting up a Bitshares account seemed way too difficult for him, so this new Wizard will do most of it for him now :) By the way, I am still keeping BlockPay in a private repo for now, but just as you-know-who stated on mumble, everything we do is open source...

BlockPay on github

Smartcoins Wallet - Smartcoins Wallet v1.5.15 was released on Google Play today! Click here to try it out:

Fork, tweak and compete:

In this release:
Since we had to switch to a new hosting company (remember we had you-know-who's Danish bank account frozen), there has been connection issues, so this release adds the connection info to the new server we bought. Also, better transaction handling with less bandwidth utilization, PIN is now hidden by default with visibility toggle option, new server has been added to the node-hopping list, donations are atomic now (happens within the same transaction to save you fees and bandwidth), plus we are upgrading the old websockets code to the new Graphenej architecture. I'll probably upload another release in the next week or so with some more goodies..

By the way, I should have a new version of BlockPay published to google play this week too, so Follow me here and I'll get you the link. I hope you like our products.. I've got a lot more ideas in the works too!

Let's bring Grandma-friendly crypto to the world!! :)

Peace, Love, and Agorism. ken

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