Chinese Gov. Using Social Software To Dominate Free Will - Deciding Who Is Free And Who Is Not Free Based On their Social Network Reputations! A Terrifying Dystopian Nightmare!

When I wrote, 3 months ago, about a Canadian Government Application that 'rewards users for their healthy behavior' and I speculated about how 'point systems' could be used to create a corporate controlled nightmare reality - I did not expect to be finding almost exactly my prediction coming true in such a short time ahead.

Today I learned from Wired magazine that the Chinese government is already using a system that gives every citizen a 'Social Credit Score' - which effectively measures their conformity to state rules and opinions, rewarding those who conform with 'privileges' and literally punishing those who dissent! This really could not get more Orwellian, except perhaps if the 'citizen' were simply vaporised on the spot every time they thought about a better way of living than the government decreed to be acceptable.

"Those without personal power and the light to guide them towards love and balance will go along with whatever seems to brighten their darkness - like moths to a flame." - Me, Just now.

chinese control grid
image source: wired and kevin hong

The Chinese system is alleged to be aimed to 'judge the trustworthiness of all Chinese residents'! As my regular readers will know, I have written at length already about why judgements ALWAYS introduce error and deny an aspect of reality. Judgements are an attempt to 'fill in the gaps' on a particular subject and which are at best a form of lazy, closed thinking and at worst a method of tyrannically forcing a false version of reality into our lives for whatever reason the judge chooses.

It will be obvious to most open minded observers, that for a system to measure the 'trustworthiness' and thus the 'value to society' of a human being means that the system will need to be configured to define what is and is not a 'good' behaviour (noting that 'good' and 'bad' are entirely subjective value judgements that are different for all of us). It is literally impossible to create a system that defines who is 'good' and 'bad' based only on simple metrics like the list of books the person reads, who their friends are and what they write about online.

Mis-representing reality in the name of control

It is provably impossible to create a system that truly helps humanity through such close scrutiny since somewhere along the line that system will be used to force changes on people and forcing changes on people against their will is itself a dysfunctional process that demands us to NOT trust those who would go ahead and do it to us.

In this case the Chinese government is literally saying that people are unable to travel on trains or leave the country if their social credit score is too low! They cite examples where people spend too many hours a day playing video games or who criticise the government!! What could be more tyrannical and insane that attempting to stop people travelling on a train because they comment about a government policy in a way that identifies flaws in the policy? This is really not far away from the stories of North Korea and Iraq where it has been alleged people are executed in the street for 'laughing at a portrait of the Dear Leader'.

Despite claims that such a software system will 'improve society' and 'enhance trust' (in a society notorious for it's fake products and tendency to lie a lot) - the reality is that any benefits will be hugely outweighed by the downsides since there is a HUGE loss of free will involved and total loss of privacy and personal empowerment. What exactly makes it right for a political group to dominate EVERY aspect of a person's life? What exactly gives them the authority to do that? Did God or some 'heavenly' presence decree that these ones are to dominate everyone else? If any such decree was ever made I can assure you that it was not a loving God that made it - rather it would be the opposite of love that made it - dressed up as a caring Father figure.

Caged Human Animals

A typically Asian philosophical approach is that there is always opportunity in our problems and this is true. The opportunities here are huge, just as the problems are. I feel that the humans involved are 'getting a taste of their own medicine' in some sense - karma is knocking. We cannot continue to completely deny the rights and needs of animals as if they are dirt and expect that the universe will let us continue indefinitely. China's evil fur farms, terrible record on animal cruelty and other related issues are all symptoms of a collective loss of heart, empathy and real feelings - long ago replaced by mental dogma and imagined 'rules of politeness' which deny what is really occurring on many levels.

A culture that disrespects life in so many ways (and China is FAR from being the only culture that does this) will eventually meet it's own karmic reflection and China is about to get slapped in the face with it yet again. Unfortunately, karma, just like the rights of living beings is also being heavily denied and so it's balancing and guiding presence falls on deaf ears - with people simply continuing on the same dysfunctional practices and making rationalisations as to why things couldn't possible be any different or better - when things definitely would be better if only those involved would wake up and take responsibility for their own actions in life.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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