First Shipment To Nigeria A Success For #OperationMosquito. Time For The Second.

Even though I haven't been posting as much, there is still plenty happening behind the scenes for #OperationMosquito.

What is Operation Mosquito?
Operation Mosquito is an attempt to help reduce Malaria in Nigeria by helping a fellow Steemian find ways to prevent contracting Malaria through the use of insecticides, herbs, and plants.

A while back, a post was made on how to successfully use the site using an American based BitPay Card.

I am happy to report the test package was successfully received!

So, if you have someone in Nigeria that you would like to send a package to and want to save massive amounts of money on shipping, the post can be found here on how successfully conduct a transaction using the Jumia site.

The second package has been ordered using Amazon.

Hopefully, through further research, we can find a healthier insecticide alternative for the sprayer. A respirator has also been used for the use of this product, but through Jumia.

The propane for the sprayer will have to be locally sourced, because of shipping restrictions.

The next package will be sent around the 1st of September.

This is the list.

The herbal remedies recipes and use scenarios still need to be posted and formed into a binder. This will all come together in time.

All liquid payouts for this post are being used for the Operation Mosquito Project.


Article explaining inspiration

I mostly story post about my sobriety, family, effects of war, and the crazier parts of my life. However, if it interests me I may just Steem about it! Steem on Steemians!

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Community Challenge Logo used with permission by @merej99

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