The Philosophy of Showering - Poem-ing about anything!

The first poem of the New Year! Maybe you think I'm making too much of this 'New Year' phenomenon? Get over it! I will be talking about the new year at least until February ;p

@sature has a neat poetry contest and I decided to write a poem to participate. Consider jumping into the shower and thinking up your own submission!

Here it is then:

Shower Power

When I can't go on, I'm just too tired, when my brain has reached its limits,
when my tongue gets tied, my shoes are wet, my motivation turns all timid,
I jump into a magic room, a private, closed environ,
I take off all my clothes and then I start to feel inspired.

Upon my head a waterfall begins its cold descent.
All sleep and sloth washed from my eyes and miseries relent,
My brain goes numb, my mind turns blank, all worries out the window;
this reset button dumps all my RAM, and prepares me for the real show.

If your lucky, as I am now, to have a heated shower,
to activate what must be called shower's super power,
then from cold to warm, and warm to hot, your mind can slowly drift
in and out of conciousness, oh what a magic gift.

I stand so long my feet go numb, asleep I may have fallen.
I turn off the tap, and just like that I hear the bedroom calling.
A fluffy towel, then off to bed, relaxed my mind is now,
another day I'll return to play whatever had stressed me out.

Love and Light to All!

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