💩 Your UPVOTE Ain't Worth SHIT 💩

Post / Comments that earn 0.001 to 0.019 SBD worth of rewards
are rounded down to 0.00.

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As some of you are aware there was a suggestion brought up that is currently on the trending page to set a minimum payment on our comments / post to $1.00. If you are unaware of this proposal you can read all about it here or visit my previous topic on the issue called Minnows Are In Trouble ( Yes That Mean's You) but did you know the current ( 2018/04/20 ) min payout is set at 0.02 ?


If not you are not alone. Other's I have talked to and myself included had no clue. While it's hyperbole for me to say " Your Upvote Ain't Worth Shit " this is still important information to take into consideration as a blog writer or for anyone that uses the Steemit platform.

For example :

If you are a blog writer who likes to reward anyone who took the time to read and comment on your blog with an upvote worth 0.01 then not only did your 0.01 reward to your follower go un-paid but you also just diminished your voting power for no good reason. As every vote you cast decreases your voting power. Your diminished power will replenish itself after a set amount of time has passed.

What can we do if our max upvote isn't worth $ 0.02 yet ( like mine ) but we still want to show appreciation to those that took the time to visit and comment on our blogs ? My suggestion would be to visit that person's blog / profile and upvote their most recent blog / article instead of the comment they left for you. As it's most likely one of their active blogs already has a few upvotes on it. This gives your upvote the max chance of rewarding the person you intended to. This same strategy can also be used when you read an author's past post that are over 7 days old. An upvote on a 7 day or older post pays 0 rewards to the author. What you can do instead is visit and upvote a more recent blog / article the author has created.

All that being said, if a comment already has upvotes then upvoting that comment yourself will contribute to pushing said comment past the 0.02 threshold. In which case the author will be rewarded if the total value of all upvotes combined reach 0.02 or above.

Upvote / Resteem / Create your own article ( tag nominpayout )
to help spread the word !

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