Not-Chatting With Emancipated Human's Luis Mises :: (Part 1 of 3) ✨

Ohmygoodness, I SO enjoyed connecting with Luis! Time flew, so it became a 3-part series. This is the first. It's under 30 minutes. We covered quite a bit, as outlined below.

I apologize for a couple glitches in Zoom's recording throughout. There were some sound dips for me, and some visual freezes for Luis. I think the content is worth those minor and infrequent aggravations.

I teared-up (am so emotional, 'cause these energies are real!) My makeup smudges... and I kinda look like I have a black eye. But I don't. Just wanted to be clear about that. Enjoy!

EMANCIPATE = set free, especially from legal, social or political restrictions.

FOLLOW ---> @emancipatedhuman

Topics Discussed:

*How Emancipated Human came to be, and its two main objectives

*Luis' lifelong habit of excellence, and empowerment

*How his vision of service to humanity expanded

*The Sri Yantra, as a meditative tool to strengthen your mind's focus and sight

*Balancing feminine and masculine energy

*Receiving the help your subconscious offers

*Time as an unreal construct, and our multi-dimensionality

*Using metaphysical devices for business success

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we get into Christ consciousness, conscious capitalism, MIRACLES! (yes, actual), transmutation, libertarianism, STANDING FOR LOVE, and more.

Also for your enjoyment:

* An Open Letter of Thanks To My Light-Sharing Friends On Patreon

* In Search Of Success On Steemit? Here Are 5 Keys


Not-Chat is brought to you by Lavish Listening. Be fully heard.


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