In search of success on Steemit? Here are 5 keys. 🔑


Let's start by defining "success on Steemit."

Success is "the accomplishment of an aim or purpose." So, the first thing to get clear about is what is your aim or purpose?

Social media is seductive.

It's easy to become aimless. Just slip and slide around, and then... BAM! Next thing you know, you're feeling twinges of jealousy or disappointment because ______________. <--- Fill in the blank with any number of possible comparison-complaints.

But if you are first clear about why you're here, and what you want to get from being here, you will be less easily moved. Identify and commit to your goals. There are as many reasons to be here, as there are active accounts. These are the main perks and benefits that motivate me to spend time on Steemit:

  • CONNECTING with like-minded people, and learning about each other at levels far deeper than any other social media platform allows;

  • LEARNING new ideas and viewpoints from people very different from me. Contrast and resistance builds muscle;

  • GROWING as a creator and curator;

  • ENJOYING the challenge and satisfaction of ongoing, self-generated milestones;

  • EARNING Steem, which dropped me in cryptocurrency sooner than I might have entered 'on my own,' without Steemit;

What did I miss? Would you share your Steemit goal(s) in the comments?

And now, the five keys.


Be you. The real you. It's fine to be inspired by the styles and techniques of others... even adopt some as your own, but only to the extent that it enhances your authentic self. I bet you're an amazing person. So know your personality, and let it shine.


Self-expression is an indulgence. Catharsis feels good. But that's not all it should be and do. Not by a long shot. Think about your reader. Will your content leave them happier, smarter, inspired or somehow more open to life? You might not get all yesses to those questions, but if you don't get at least one, it is probably not the best thing to publish... not for your reader, anyway.

Generosity is also listening well. We listen well to other bloggers by reading/viewing their content, really considering how it impacted us, and (if inspired to), leaving a comment that shows we took in what was presented... whether we agree, or disagree. Generosity online is like a firm handshake -- it leaves you with the feeling that the other person is really there. Not limp and flimsy.


A lot of Steemians come out the gate highly motivated to grow their reputation score, their followers, and their rewards. They commit to post daily, and a lot of people maintain that rigorous schedule. (Respect!) Others find that one to three times a week is more manageable. Find the rhythm that's best for you, but the main thing is to NOT GIVE UP. You will give your best, and 8 or 24 people will see it. (Ouch! I know.) You will earn 17 cents. (I know this, too.) KEEP GOING!! If you do, this discouraging phase of felt invisibility and chirping crickets will pass.

Another rate of frequency to consider, in addition to how often you create and publish your own posts, is how often you upvote, comment on, and Resteem OTHER people's posts. Engaging with ideas other than your own EXPANDS you in surprising and exciting ways :-)


Posts don't necessarily need to be long, but they should be strong. Remember the self-critiquing questions: "Will this leave my readers happier, smarter, inspired or somehow more open to life?"

Also, will research and links add more value? Is it possible to dig deeper -- with emotion, information or both? Do I need help generating ideas for posts? Should I be posting videos to DTube, rather than Youtube?

Finally, remember you can mix your media. You can break up big blocks of texts with pictures, gifs, videos, page dividers, etc. These little extras give your post visual interest.


I am not the strongest strategic thinker, but a couple suggestions are:

  • Showing gratitude to your most loyal and most generous upvoters, findable at SteemVP. Maybe give them an @mention from time to time in a post (I haven't done this yet, but intend to), or a private note of thanks on Steemit.Chat or Discord.

  • Best use of tags. Especially the first tag, which places your post in a particular category. Personally, I prioritize passion over profit, but there's no harm in letting your passion be informed. That said, you can sort this list of topics according to Payout amount:


I hope these keys have been helpful, especially to newer Steemians. A lot of development supports this platform. In the comments, would you please mention any ideas or apps not presented here, that you feel would help us all increase our success?

Also for your consideration...

* An Open Invitation To Not-Chat With Me (Includes DTube Video!)

* My #2 Favorite Natural Beauty Product: FERMENTED RICE WATER


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