Ode Challenge 2 : The Standoff


Benignly before us, the last tasty portion,
We all eye the prize, our thoughts a distortion.

Such value is seen in the last piece of pie,
The desire it glistens in each lusting eye.

Etiquette states we must all play the game,
Pretend that we don't in fact all wish to gain.

Social decorum has taught us to say,
"You have the last piece, I've had enough anyway."

Behind social graces, unspoken truth does remain,
The last piece of pie is the ultimate gain.


The first bite of an apple they say is the best,
Regarding a pizza, in the last slice we invest.

Like Omaha eight I play with a bluff,
Pretending that I have now had enough.

Eight slices in place of the cards we proceed,
To balance decorum with our lust and our greed.

The technique I deploy is to offer but once,
Then second time round, an innocent pounce.

To hesitate at this point is a rookies mistake,
I've learnt from past plays it is my slice to take.


This is my entry for the Ode Challenge .

šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ• šŸ•

Ode to the last slice of pizza.
Hosted by @japhofin8or

Images thanks to pixabay.

I try to use my own when I can. I've been a bit unwell and find limiting activity helps to manage.

Pixabay is a fabulous resource.

Free images that can often be used without attribution.
Although I always try to name my source if it isn't mine.

Like the badges below.

Created by the very talented @lauralemons



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