Winners of Ode Challenge #1 and subject for Ode Challenge #2 !!!

This was fairly easy to judge (although not easy to choose a winner) as there were not that many entries to sift through. I hope to gain stronger participation as the challenge finds an audience. Everybody that participated in this inceptive challenge wrote wonderful tributes to their lost lawn furniture. Kudos to all and I hope that you will all be writing in the next challenge starting tomorrow.


The winner of the challenge is:
Your ode was playful and pithy.
A very enjoyable read.

The two runner-ups to be awarded are:
I could feel your remorse as
I read your lines. Wonderful.
I just loved the Shakespearean
feel of the tribute.


You all captured the true essence of the ode and I
congratulate all of you on these fine pieces.
I hope that in the future I can choose a few
honorable mentions for this next section.
There were so few this time here are the links to ALL of the odes.

robyneggs ode
pyrowngs ode
droucils ode
girlbeforemirrors ode
thebigdelays ode
mamadinis ode


ode ( ōd/) - noun
a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject,
often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter.

This is a weekly contest designed to challenge your
skills at writing a particular type of poem: the ode.

The rules here are simple:
1 - I will choose the subject matter.
2 - You will write a tribute piece to that subject.
3- The subject MUST be the focus of your poem.
4 - Use #odechallenge as your first tag so that it
is submitted for consideration.
5 - Post a link to your poem in the comments of
this post.

Poems must be submitted by Friday at midnight (EST)
for the week of the challenge.
Winners will be chosen and announced on Saturday (EST) of that week
Poems will be judged for their originality, creativity,
and focus of the subject.
You ARE NOT being judged on how many comments you get so if you see a
poem by another artist that you enjoy let them know.

Prizes to be awarded:
2 SBD to first place
1 SBD to each of two runner ups
Prizes will become larger as the contest grows so RESTEEM
this post to help generate a following.

Your subject for Ode Challenge #2:
The last slice of pizza.
Have fun with this and Good Luck to all!

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