One photo every day: Dinosaur's Egg (71/365)

When we were at the funfair yesterday, Miro tried his luck at "Frog fishing", and won a hatching and growing dinosaur egg.

The instructions said it was to be put in water, and it would "hatch" in 48 hours. We are all very excited and interested to see if what kind of a dino Miro is going to get.

Miro's dino-egg this morning, slightly chipped already.

The ETH (Estimated Time of Hatching) of the dino will be tomorrow evening, somewhere around 20:00 I guess. :)

I'll keep you guys posted.

P.s. Watched Guardians of the Galaxy vol.2 today. It was Amazing. Excellent way to reset the brain. I mean, I really liked it, not sarcastically or anything. ;)

P.p.s. Oh, and please check out @markkujantunen's excellent account of our trip to the Sunday's funfair, there's photos and video and stuff. :)

P.p.p.s. I got my phone working again. I even managed to make an image of the system partition. Hopefully I can extract some data from it in the future. :)

[Previous post: Project 365 // Ninth week in pictures (9/52)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Fifth week in pictures (5/52)
Sixth week in pictures (6/52)
Seventh week in pictures (7/52)
Eighth week in pictures (8/52)
Ninth week in pictures (9/52)

Three Beetles (64/365)
Clean desktop. :) (65/365)
At work, tying strings into ads. (66/365)
Playing with (and learning) the Hähnel Captur Transmitter and 2 Receivers (Studio) (67/365)
Night sky (68/365)
Sunset (69/365)
My boys at the fun fair. (70/365)

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