No Story this time sorry, just photos. :) For stories, click the photos.
[Previous post: Carpark crash visualized.]
First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Toripoliisi (29/365)
Bumblebee (30/365)
Miro's four-leaf clover (31/365)
Couch dwellers. (32/365)
Hard Punch (33/365)
Red Grape with Blue Cheese (34/365)
Kantelusmeloni & Kaljameloni (35/365)
Peekaboo! (36/365)
Story of a lonely bench (37/365)
Rehab work, de-stapleizing newspapers. (38/365)
Jackdaw (39/365)
Selfie (40/365)
Playing billiards with my friend Janne (41/365)
A light in the dark (42/365)
Father-Son bonding w/ Leo & waiting for Halloumi burgers (43/365)
Funny chairs (44/365)
First school day (45/365)
At work, gluing samples. (46/365)
Hot (47/365)
Lightning (48/365)
My desktop. (49/365) "1337" post
Reconstructing the crash. (50/365)
If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer: