🎤Steemit Open Mic Week 55🎤 - Ukulele Cover- Manifesto II

Greetings, Steemians!

This is my first, and possibly only entry into the Steemit Open Mic contest😳.

I finally got up enough courage... and breathe... and my hands stopped sweating just for a moment... And by golly! I recorded a (long) video of me singing and playing the ukulele.🙃

Then I put a cute background behind me and a little intro and outro (I really like video editing).

While PowerDirector was producing and uploading my video to youtube, I popped over to check out the other contestants. And I was all like

These people are really good! Like REALLY good. I honestly have no place in this contest, but husband @chrisroberts reminds I shouldn't enter just to win, but for the experience.

But really. He's right. 😍

So I decided to do it. Then the Universe was all like, "Nope. Not today. Not. To. Day." PowerDirector was having complications... or more just not doing its job. Jerk. 😒

Here I am, day two, attempting to upload directly to YouTube whilst writing this.
You may ask, "Carrie, why don't you use DTube?"
An excellent question, my darlings!😍 Living in the middle of a high mountain desert, while beautiful, has the WORST internet. Or, at least that's what I'm blaming for now.😏 I've not actually ever been able to even VIEW a video on DTube- they simply won't load. So until all the bugs are smooshed, I use Youtube for its convenience.

The final reason I decided to just 'go for it', is the number of actual views the contest currently gets. It's not so many (yet). At best, if I were hopeful 🤣, I may get 10 ACTUAL pairs of eyeballs that view part of my video. It's long, so I don't expect anyone to make it all the way through... unless you just like pink. 😆

In all fairness to me, it's not THAT bad. It's just not that good. I have no visions of grandeur. I simply like playing.🎵

Oh! Once I get big and have more people that know I exist here, I'm gonna try my Medicre Monday Contest again. It's more up my alley. I tried it way too early on and no one entered. No one. 😏 Have no fear though. I don't give up easily.

Ok... I suppose I've stalled long enough.

On to the show!

Or not. I mean, reading this blog post was enough. I sincerely thank you for just that.😍

I just checked. It worked. It's been uploaded. Currently ANYONE can see it.

I just watched it. And to be honest, there are a few amusing little tidbits to my personality in there. It could totally be worse.

Still, we can be friends even if you DON'T view. 😏


Here it is. Please be kind.

All images were created by me and/or are from Bitmoji.com.

As always, thanks for stopping by!

Hugs & Kisses💋carrie signature.gif

carrieallen signature 2.png

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