Steemit Open Mic Week 49 - Volatile (aka Sexy Steem) by The SteemBirds (original Steemit song)

About The SteemBirds

@dan-atstarlite and @jaybird have teamed up as "The SteemBirds" to bring you a bunch of comedic Steemit songs.

Previous tracks:

Gaining STEEM
Upvote Yourself
Hardfork 19
Blockchain Blues
Bots Bots Bots Bots
Steem To The Moon
Stick Around
Introduce Yourself

Volalite (aka Sexy Steem) - lyrics

You're so volatile
I never know what you’ll do
If only I could read your mind
Then I’d understand you

Sometimes you’re high
Sometime you’re low
And when you’re low I lose it all
Sometimes you’re good
Sometimes you’re bad
And when you’re bad I’m oh so sad

I saw your ticker on the local exchange
Thought I’d take a chance on you
I’d heard your name all over the place
And I thought you might pull through
I picked you up, I paid the bill
Bet everything on you
We had our fun on the bull run
Now I’m afraid of what you’ll do

Your my girlfriend
You’re my sexy Steem
Although we’ve had our good times
The bad times always sting

Sometimes you’re high
Sometime you’re low
And when you’re low I lose it all
Sometimes you’re good
Sometimes you’re bad
And when you’re bad I’m oh so sad

I saw your ticker on the local exchange
Thought I’d take a chance on you
I’d heard your name all over the place
And I thought you might pull through
I picked you up, I paid the bill
Bet everything on you
We had our fun on the bull run
Now I’m afraid of what you’ll do

You're so volatile! (4x)


Signature drink and manwiches by @artwatch

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