OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 5: "Take a Picture" for Theme WIND SWEPT SHORE

Hey guys: this song is one I had partially written years ago based on a wonderful memory of mine with friends while at a conference in Portugal, and because I wanted to start participating in the songwriters challenge--not to win, as I'm so late to the game, but just to participate--I decided I could finish it up now and share it with you guys.

For some reason, it was FREEZING the week I was there in Portugal (not common), but we didn't want to miss going to the beach when we were near Lisbon, so we went. It was so cold and windy it took my breath away (I mean that literally--when the wind "steals" your breath), and we were trying to take a picture with sand everywhere and our hair swirling around and everybody happy but uncomfortable from the cold.

It was one of those beautiful, eternal, time-stopping moments, and I wanted to write a song about it - so when I got home, that's what I did. Just a simple, light-hearted little song :).

(Hilarious thumb nail by the way..whoops! haha)

Here you go! Lyrics below.

Take a Picture

Take a picture on the beach
Salt-soaked memories by a cold summer sea
Mighty, mighty, mighty cry the waves on the shore
All in violent sweetness while we try to keep warm

Faded photograph
Damp ocean fog, oh, how we'll remember that
Mighty, mighty, mighty blows the wind in our eyes
Swirling sand around us as we try to stop time

Faded, but engraved
Squint to see it but it will always stay
Mighty, mighty, mighty is the mind of man
Miracle, the way he holds the heights in hand

Take a picture for to keep
These oceans within our fragile reach
Mighty, mighty, mighty will the days rush, rush
But you're here in my heart after the waters
Mighty, mighty, mighty will the days rush, rush
But you're here in my heart after the waters
But you're here in my heart after the waters hush


If you enjoyed this, you can also listen to my original entry for this week's Open Mic or my Christmas playlist.

Your support means a lot to me. Thanks for following @kayclarity and resteeming my posts if you enjoy posts about beauty, art, culture, life, Steemit, and, of course, my original music and poems. xx

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