Songwriters Challenge Week 6: SPECIAL DELIVERY by Kay Clarity

I wrote this last night. This is a simple, sad, nostalgic song about getting my heart broken--a few times rolled into one, although a couple of specific incidences inspired it. So many of us have been battered in love, and when you have a sensitive heart it can literally feel like it's killing you.

But the edge can and does wear off if you give it time and focus on surviving for while--but that lingering sadness, especially when closure hasn't been properly given, rarely goes completely away; you can wear it almost like an invisible badge, and while I really do believe you can move on and grow and even turn things to greater good and growth with enough time and patience, these things are perpetually a part of you.

There is nothing quite like loving with all of you, unreservedly, only to be set aside--often due to the insecurities or fears or wounds of the other, as was the case a couple of times for me; I tried to capture that mix of brokenness and beauty of the person in the third stanza. Love is a mystery--never a waste, but often painful.

Thanks to all involved in the Songwriters Challenge for the chance to uncover this little corner of my heart last night, and put into words some of that delicacy and unspeakable grief into some simple poetry and melody. I'll likely be editing it over time as I always do, but as a first draft, I'm happy to share. Lyrics below.

Special Delivery - Kay Clarity

You said you'd come
Then you went silent
This is my story now
So sweet and violent

I check the mail
For some small sign of you
Special delivery
Or just a line or two

My hero-soldier
My little boy, confused
My running lover
No sense of what we lose

Days go by
Days go by
Days go by

My favourite sorrow
My memory to recall
Last year's tomorrow
My nothing from it all

Still check the mail
For some small sign of you
Special delivery
Or just a line or two


(Copyright 2017 - please ask permission before using in part or whole; my songs are very personal and precious to me).

Here is my entry for this week's Open Mic if you're interested in hearing more.

Follow @kayclarity if you enjoyed this.

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