Openmic Week #64 - Because we can (Original)

I created this song for the Openmic Songwriters Challenge. You can check out the original post with lyrics here

In this post I wanna say THANK YOU to @luzcypher and @meno and all the other beautiful people who are running the open mic that has inspired me so much during the last months. I am incredibly grateful for the space you created to gather all the amazing musicians and give them a space to show their talent. We are all unique in our expression and it's a great pleasure to see how people - including myself - jump over their shadows and share what they have inside.

Together we can thrive!

Openmic has encouraged me to do exactly this. I write songs because I feel the need to. This was the kick I needed to lose my fear of sharing them on the internet. I feel I've grown with you guys.

This is probably my last entry for a few weeks because sometimes - especially during the cold austrian winter - I feel a strong urge to travel south and leave some things behind. I will start my journey next week to sleep next to the sea under the stars for a month. No electricity, no Wifi. I'm on my way to feel the connection this song is talking about.
So please excuse my absence from the web - I will catch up when I'm back to society with a heart full of memories and the pocket full of new songs.


Thank you all for listening! Love you guys!

Have a merry whatever you like to celebrate and a happy new YEAH!

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