Open Mic Week 78 - Meno - Top 5 Picks and Honorable Mentions

I swear one day I will have this process down to a science, but until then I won't be the first judge out with his post, that title might belong to the hard working @passion-ground for a long time.

Its Sunday Night yet again, but I'm prepared to finish making up my mind before I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. This has been an incredible week with some amazing surprises and this has of course added a little more difficulty to my imperfect process.

Without Further Delay here my top 5 for week 78.

First Place .-

@yidneth - Morning Light - Original Song

I was so stoked when I saw @yidneth's entry this week. It's no secret to anyone at this point that she is just a magical musical creature with a unique approach to music. I've said before that to me she is just a fairy that found Steem and happens to not be shy in the slightest.

It would be difficult for me to sum up everything that the song represents, in a way the song has evolved from its original inspiration and to me it represents overcoming all fears, but I will let her do all the talking. You honestly just need to hit play, if you are not engulf into the experience in less than ten seconds I would recommend calling a Doctor.

Second Place.-

@gonetroppo - Flesh Temple - Hind Brothers

This was one of those special surprises of the week, I absolutely loved this song in more ways than one. The interaction of the harmonies along with the familiar sounds a folk guitar. The melancholy of the melody compliments beautifully lyrics that talk about the loss of a precious life and coming to peace with such an event.

I took it upon myself to visit some of their other work on social media and these guys are the real deal. I fully expect to see them making a big splash on Steem.

Third Place .-

@darrenclaxton - Simple Life - Original

What a beautiful song Darren, I loved the overall approach you took, the finger picking, the softer approach on the vocals and the open feel in the delivery. This song has it's own life and you let it come through you, that is all anyone could ask.

Absolutely Brilliant, more of this my friend, more of this.

Fourth Place.-

@futuremind - Working Class Hero - (Lennon Cover)

I have to admit I'm a little biased because I love Lennon a little too much for my own good, and this somewhat obscure track has been in my personal collection of "songs you should know" since my teenage years. @futuremind's rendition was brilliant I have to say.

There was enough emotion there to bring me back to a simpler time of my life. I can't wait to hear what else @futuremind will bring to the #openmic family. I believe this is his first entry. What a debut!

Fifth Place.-

@zipporah - Anchor - Original Song

I'm terrible at these things, I've tried for so many years to reason out loss, to endure the death of a loved one like a strong man would only to find myself emotionally retreat into my musical solace. I think this is why this hit me like it did, there is nothing but raw truth spoken, raw emotions displayed and honestly as much as it stole some tears from my eyes, it also reminded me of how important it is to value those that are still here with me.

Thank you for sharing this Zippy...

Honorable Mentions

In no particular order, these are some of the performances I really enjoyed this week.

@mrprecious - Asa's Jailer (cover)

@etemi - love me like you do (cover)

@silentscreamer - Listen (cover Beyonce)

@markaustin - Calling out my name (original)

@moderndayjester - Limitless - (original)

  • ****

  • Don't forget to checkout the official Steemit OpenMic judges picks from @passion-ground @krystle @soundlegion and @verbal-d. Winners selected and announced every Monday on @luzcypher's blog page.

    And that closes week 78, what a week right? I can't stop getting blown away by the sheer talent on this platform and all the little musical gems I get to find every single week.

    But hey friend, before you leave my post musical brother or musical sister, please know that despite the fact that we call this a competition, even though my post says first, second, third place, that is not what matters about the #openmic. In the end of the day the judges are just as human, as flawed and beautiful as everyone else on this planet. The ethos of this contest, of this community, is simply for us to have special place to share our passion for music, for us to laugh together, to cry together and explore emotions that everyday life seems to neglect in one way or another.

    Every single one of you is valuable to me, so thank you for being part of my musical family...

    Much love

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