OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 1 - The Crazy One

I always wanted to write a song where my ex is a fairy tale-style witch/evil queen/horrible person, but it just never worked. This broken mirror theme brought to mind the queen and her magic mirror in Snow White. Boom. It fleshed out from there, and images just flowed. It didn’t turn out to be a fairy tale, but that character concept was at the heart of it. Evil so unspeakable I had to make up words to describe it. I don’t like to talk too much about the meaning of lyrics, so I’m going to leave you with that.

I’m still shaping the music. What’s in this video is bare bones. I would normally play it a lot more times and let it evolve before I would play it for anyone, but it’s early Monday morning and the deadline is here.

The Crazy One

Narciseptic bipolistic psychoanal witch
Sociopatton finger licking hair trigger switch
Mentalastic theraputin games that make me twitch
The bats in the belfry all scream out with perfect pitch

Yet she's my favorite scab to pick
I want her, like a dog wants a bone that makes him sick
I miss her, pointy hat, warts, and all
I need her, like compulsives need to count the cracks in the wall
Maybe I'm the crazy one

Reptilian tears of rage explode like foam upon the shore
The bats in the belfry couldn’t make it to the door
Her long-forsaken mirror lies in pieces on the floor
The dog and a couple of bats are now hiding in the drawer

Yet she's my favorite scab to pick
I want her, like a dog wants a bone that makes him sick
I miss her, pointy hat, warts, and all
I need her, like compulsives need to count the cracks in the wall
Maybe I'm the crazy one

Putting walking shoes on nude delusions isn't healthy
A pocket filled with change that never comes isn't wealthy
The angel on her shoulder's spawned from hell but heaven help me
I'm the one seduced by the deuces in her belfry

© 2017 Paul Hallman

My Studio Recordings on Steemit

Dirty Games (original)

Mountains (original)

How Many Times Have You Broken My Heart?


To Ramona

The Bends

Like Spinning Plates

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