OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week # 2 : Way Down at the Lost and Found


OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week # 2 : Way Down at the Lost and Found

This is my entry for the second week of the songwriter's challenge, and as I play it, I really miss my band.
Last week's song as well(Pretty Gorgon)
would hit another level if I was able to play it with Fergus Plinko.

With this song, in my head I hear a "down at the lost and found" background vocal after my main verse lines. I tried to sing those too, but I only have one mouth...
I know they would also do justice to the bouncy bluegrassy feel that this song has in my head.

Full Lyrics:

Way down south is where I met her
Grabbing a dirty beat up sweater
Asked her if she'd like a little coffee
She gave me a look that said back up off me

Way down South
Way down at the lost and found

I went home sad and lonely
Thinking she's my one and only
I asked the wind to send me a blessing
We'd meet again and start undressing

I say the wind it did deliver
I found her singing songs to the river
The ever loving cup was spilling
The stars lined up and Bob was Dylan

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