Steemit's Official Open Mic Judge @Verbal-D's Top 5 Entries For Week 50 (Original Blog)

Steemit Open Mic Week 50

(Click Blue Link Above To View All Entries For This Week)

Original Artists

My Top 5 In Order

As one of the 5 judges, and as an original artist also, I aim to represent the best original artists in this contest from our wonderful Steemit community. I am keeping my ears open for cover artists as well, don't worry but creating an original song is indeed impressive, especially if executed and performed well. Best of skill and performance to you all next week. Luck is not needed here. This week was really good. Like last week, I found more amazing music from you participating musicians, I definitely heard everyone's entries. Some really powerful stuff here. See you next week!

1. @trevorpetrie's "Lion In The Closet" Original Song
I want to commend you on a very powerful, yet extremely uniquely written song. I found your lyrics so intriguing in how you described Depression as a Lion intimidating and dominating your Thoughts, which is represented by the claustrophobic and imprisoning confines of a closet. I am very happy to hear you are on your journey to overcoming depression, I am rooting for your success and you are an inspiration for all who suffer these same oppression conditions. Music is indeed a wonderful way to express and combat our trials and tribulations in this life. Your melodies and your chilling singing really brought to life this moving song. I connected with the feelings of hurt and pain that sifted through the verses and the chorus is very memorable. I hope you receive more recognition for this life-changing song. It has the power to affect others on a positive level and give them more hope in life. Keep battling that Lion and become King over it! The reasons and background for a song's creation also means a lot to me in my choices as well as song presentation and execution. Yours is definitely underrated and I look forward to your next entry.


2. @sweetpea's "Smitten" Original Song
As usual, before watching any video, I never know what to expect from a new artist, and this grunge alternative love song you dedicated to your wife is beyond amazing. It is very powerful because of the passion and intention flowing through your music can be easily felt. You can sing greatly with emotion and control which is always a nice balance to witness. Your guitar playing and the chords chosen for this piece are memorable of the 90s age for sure as others have referenced. I can hear the influence from this time and you certainly made this your own. I can see why it is your wife's favorite and you presented her a wonderful gift that represents how much you care for her. It has very high replay value and profound. I wish you both a long-lasting marriage and many more creative jams that you two can share together.


3. @andybet's "Selling The Sunshine" Original Song
This was a very interesting topic about ancient Sunshine being the oil stored within plants, but it definitely provided a cool backstory to this extremely catchy song. I really enjoyed the notes you sang​ for this song, and the accompanying guitar chords smoothly complimented your storytelling in this poetic piece. I couldn't get this song out of my head since first listening to it, and definitely deserves top 3 recognition based on many aspects, especially creativity, originality, and your falsetto voice was pretty on point, presenting your idea very well, even if you feel you have yet to perfect it; I hear the idea clearly and is definitely a hidden gem and a striking conversation piece. Looking forward to your next entry as well, thank you for sharing this one with us all.

4. @michaelstellaire's "Psychedelic Improvisation" Original Song
This was simply masterful, and on the contrary to being simple, but the way you played and executed your improv with the delayed effects really helped to create and enveloping/surround sound kind of environment for my listening enjoyment. It was indeed a cool experience with the headphones on. I commend you for your excellent creativity and this kind of song improv could be used in a multitude of projects. It has a lot of feeling and energy in it, and I especially appreciated the subtle nuances and details to how you transitioned between rhythmic runs, strums, finger taps, and other Sounds that you could make on the fly within the moment. Thank you for showing us how creative improv can be, as well as impactingly captivating. This was a strong and powerful piece.

5. @fael's "Dos Rios" Original Song
I definitely recognize and acknowledge artists who are multifaceted and talented in their musical expression. When you started with a clearly controlled and effortless trumpet intro, then into your swift guitar playing, complimented by your cultural singing, it just made for an overall really well-done​ presentation. This would definitely make all of Brazil proudly content to be represented in such an artistic fashion. You created a very mysterious vibe with those slightly dark chords leading into a storytelling flow. I appreciate you sharing this gem with us all. Thank you very much. I may not understand the words, but the emotions conveyed translate effectively. Feel free to provide lyrics in your post next time, but it is definitely not required by any means.

Cover Artists

There were so many amazing original artists, that I had no room for any Cover artists for my Top 5 picks

Honourable Mentions

My Top 5 In No Particular Order

1. @quinneaker's "Painted Warrior Medicine" Original Song

2. @kjablonski's "Don't Let Me Win" Original Song

3. @corganmusic's "Numb's Okay" Original Song

4. @travisacid's "Riverside Garbage Blues" Original Song

5. @musiccircle's "It's Raining" Original Composition

Thank you for viewing and reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

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Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!

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