#OpHumanAngels: A mission for my momma.

I love my momma. She's seriously the best. She's the quiet type, but always ready to listen with an open mind and provide advice, if she's asked. I inherited my love of Halloween and dressing up from her. These pics are of her and I when I was around maybe 4 I wanna say? And then this last Halloween.

My mom has rhuemetoid arthritis in her hands. To the point that her fingers have become deformed and she has trouble doing things like opening a soda can or bottle, or starting a car. It's very painful for her and she is still a few years away from retirement. Yesterday and today she stayed home from work because she's in that much pain. My momma never misses work. I'm fretting over her a little today so I decided to make both of us feel better about it, I'd make it my mission today.


I had to go to Costco after dropping the kids off at school, so I decided to grab a few of my mom's favorite things for her. She never gets to go to Costco because my dad hates going there. haha. First, her favorite green tea.


Next I needed baby wipes. And I'm not that thrilled about still needing to buy these 3.5 years into this parenting thing. I had found this card floating in my purse, so I figured this was the perfect place for it. Hopefully the next frustrated parent that needs baby wipes will be reminded. "This too shall pass"


Ok, one more thing for my momma. Chocolates! She loves chocolates. I hope these will do. :)


She's resting right now, but I know that she'll make sure to come see the babies when they get home from school, so I'll give it to her then. I hope it makes her smile.

I also want to throw in a #thegoodnews anecdote

I had the opportunity to do an interview for @humansofsteemit, which is a fairly new project aimed at putting the spotlight on getting to know your fellow steemians. The questions they pose are both fun and thought provoking, I had fun writing my answers. You can read it here if you'd like:


And I don't know if it's because I mentioned them in my humans of steemit interview or not, but.. you guys, @thevenusproject knows who I am now! They followed me today! I could squeal with joy! I'm fangirling so hard right now. I know I shouldn't care who follows me or not, but somehow making that connection helps reinforce the idea that I'm on the right track with my involvement in this community. I'm in awe of how this place continues to help me grow everyday. Peace and Love to you all! Thanks for reading!



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