#OpHumanAngels New Years Eve


Picture is my own. Tri-Dee Art Store Mural, Mt. Vernon Wa

After reading @lyndsaybowes post, "Calling All Human Angels", my hubby @chackett and I were inspired to join in.

Our original idea for hiding inspiring messages was put on hold since we couldn't find the specific art supplies we needed to pull it off. Hello Amazon and a 2 day wait. Ok, on to plan B....


It was freezing here last night. It's usually pretty mild here in the winters, but when it dips below freezing, it can be a biting cold. There's so much moisture in the air here, the cold feels like it soaks into your bones if you're not properly dressed.

@chackett and I somehow ended up with all the leftover ham from 2 different family dinners. We made a ham, bacon, potato, dumpling chowder with it.


We knew we would have leftovers. Way more than we would ever eat. So we headed to the Dollar store and grabbed some thermos cups and spoons. While we were at it we went ahead and picked out some hats, gloves, socks and toiletries to go with the soup. #ophumanangels was underway!

Our plan was to drive around the areas of town that typically have a large homeless population and if we found anyone out in the cold for the night, we would offer them a cup of hot soup, a bottled water and some simple toiletries, hats, gloves etc.


I don't know if you can see it that well, but on the baggie I wrote: " You are worth more than the $ in your pocket. #ophumanangels@steemit.com". Each kit includes stuff like a toothbrush, toothpaste, pads, tampons, wet wipes, matches, gum. Little things that can mean alot to someone that doesn't have them.


As soon as our kids fell asleep, my mom came over and sat with them so we could head out on our mission. There are a few places in town that people tend to gather when they have no where else to go. Our local Safeway and surrounding strip malls is one place. The first person we spotted was young, maybe 19 at the most. He had a backpack on and was riding a bike. He had stopped at a dumpster and was getting ready to take a look inside.


@chackett parked the car and approached the young man. Asked him if would like a hot meal or any warm clothes? He responded, " Oh man, I thought you were the cops coming to chase me outta here again." He was greatful for the hot food and supplies. We were just glad we could help.

You see, this is a small rural farming town. Our main attraction is Tulips. There are more cows than people in this Valley. The police force of late has been focused on trying to sweep the homeless out of view. Luckily, I do know that the county recently received a large grant to fund housing for the homeless and last year a cold weather shelter opened for the first time. We drove around the bus depot and the courthouse, 2 main places people usually find shelter. There was not a soul in sight.

I want to believe that everyone who needed a warm place to stay found it last night, and not that we just couldn't find them. We circled back around to Safeway and spotted an older gentleman leaning against the building, guarding 2 bicycles and a backpack full of everything he owned. @chackett offerered what we had. He accepted and told us that his wife was inside buying what little they could afford. They're not allowed to hang around the building unless they are shopping. :(

It was getting late by then so we called it quits, but we helped a few people and still have some kits left to give out. So we'll be doing this again as soon as we have a chance. I didn't get any pics of anyone we helped out of respect for them. I hope that's ok. Our next mission is more artsy and will include a ton of pics. :)

This was way out of my comfort zone, but today, the first day of 2018, I can offically say I'm comfortable with it! And I want to do more! Thank you to @lyndsaybowes, @davedickeyyall and @phoenixwren for sharing this idea and getting others involved. This is how you change your life. This is how you change the world. Love and light to all. Happy New Year!


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