I'm almost done with the music on this particular track I'm calling "What's Left?"...I've never produced an electronic track quite like this before, and I can't tell you the last time I was so excited about a project.
There are a few things I still plan to change before I get the final version out to you...and need to finish writing the lyrics. I'm seriously surprised at what composing in an different style is pulling out of me as far as from a lyrical standpoint.

Some of this stuff is pretty close to home. Scary and exciting from a creative perspective.
That's the thing about writing, I think. Maybe it's all art in general...there's something so scary and so fun about just tossing it out there and seeing what happens.
When I play a show, there's always a level of nakedness, especially with a new song or with an attentive audience, but when I share tracks like this with you, it feels more naked if that's even possible.
I will share this track again as it gets closer to completion and has vocals on it. These songs are sad, dudes. I'm so stoked on this project. Let me know what you think in the comments!
Admittedly, the effects at the end are super annoying...I keep getting carried away with those at the end (ooo shiny!), and I think it's obvious that the track was made to be structured around a melody line that isn't present yet on the track (vocals)...and I'm considering having someone throw down a straight rap verse in it...but I like where it's headed and I hope you do, too.
I very much enjoy sharing my process with you here on Steemit, as well as seeing the processes of others. We are such a diverse and creative bunch here.
All sounds on this project are composed using an iPhone 6+, iRigKeys Pro, GarageBand, and Novation Launchpad Mobile for iOS.
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Am I doing this right?
Thanks for reading and listening: here's some kitties in appreciation.

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!
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I even blogged about it.

ALL proceeds from my Steemit account go toward furthering my dreams of being a full time artist and creator. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me get there. All of my love and thanks to you.💚
All photos, unless otherwise credited, are taken or edited/altered by me and are all hosted at Imgur.
All sounds and words are my original stuff, and all sounds and samples are used within rights and appropriate licensure. It's all on the blockchain, baby.
Love what you hear? Consider becoming a monthly Patron at:

All sounds and words are my original stuff, and all sounds and samples are used within rights and appropriate licensure. It's all on the blockchain, baby.
Love what you hear? Consider becoming a monthly Patron at:

Love what you hear? Consider becoming a monthly Patron at: