This track was conceived yesterday and recorded live early this morning; please forgive me as I stumble through a few pads at the very beginning of this one.
I made a promise to myself to share these tracks all the way through the process...even when they aren't perfect or exactly what my final vision is...but this project is about process, so I really feel like I start to get my groove in the pads at about 2:30.
I've only been working with this particular configuration of pads for like 48 hours, and am still very green to this in general, so it is definitely the work of a n00b, but I'm really digging how these tracks are turning out even as demos and I'm excited to make more.
I'm really enjoying working with the samples and customizing these pads with different kits and different sounds to make something a little different.
The vocals in this one are what I really get into. I find myself getting lost in them as I'm actually creating the track. They're incredibly beautiful, yet haunting, and they reminded me a bit of the vocals featured in the operatic performance in The Fifth Element.

Anyway, I really hope you enjoy this one, and I hope you are enjoying following along with me through this new creative process.
As always, let me know what you think in the comments, and thank you so much for supporting music.

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