This is a track I've been working on for literally over a year. Not consistently, but I keep coming back to's nowhere near completion, but I love sharing the process with Steemit. This is where it stands right now.
Everything you hear was composed entirely with GarageBand for Launchpad was used on this it's sorta like taking the long way home rather than the shorter one. I like experimenting with both, using them together, as well as experimenting within each separate platform.
I composed the piano, synth, and brass parts using my iRig Keys Pro iOS Midi controller running into an iPhone 6+, and intensely manipulated prefabbed drum licks to sound the way I wanted them to...still definitely working on those Toppers & Hats, though. 64ths might not have been the best choice, but it's where we are now.
Here's what the production end looks like on my iphone. Apple has made HUGE improvements to GarageBand for iOS, and it is definitely capable of much more than it used to be.
Listen Here:
"Reflections (demo)" Electronic Cassette
Thanks for listening!!

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