4 Months on Steem Performance Review! #7

Witness update 7 JerryBanfield.png

Would you help me look at what I have done in 4 months here on Steem because when we focus on what we are doing to add value to our community here, we are guaranteed to get growth? After reading my post, will you be inspired to make your post and tag it with "oursteem" as seen on this post and at /trending/oursteem because I would love to see what you have contributed in your time on Steem? Here is a summary of what I have contributed to grow Steem in four months of being a user here as a part of now my seventh witness update!


Bought at least $68,457.11 in Steem and powered it up from Bittrex along with a few thousand more I have not went back and added yet. The average price I paid was $1.176 per Steem meaning at today's price of $1.06 I am down about $6,779 on what I bought so far. steem bought as of 10 10 2017.jpg


Reinvested nearly all of my earnings from posts equal to about 40,000 Steem without so far having taken even one power down. What I have cashed out is about $10,000 of SBD in author rewards with over $8,000 of that paying for the advertising campaigns at https://airtable.com/shrXuoYTnODWA0QG1.

The remaining few thousand I have cashed out is not nearly enough to pay for the $10,000+ in Steem related expenses I have made ranging from witness server hosting ( ~$2500) to transcriptions (~$2000), and help from freelancers (~ $9,000). If I powered all my Steem down, stopped posting here, and paid the taxes I would have a profit of maybe $10,000 on about 500 hours of work equal to about $20 an hour. On the video courses I have sold since joining Steem, I would have made much more if I had not spent the entire course focusing on how awesome Steem was according to data from coinstructors.

I am grateful to have so much Steem in my wallet today and I hope to do a lot of good with it during the next 10 to 20 years upvoting posts and enabling each of us to share our truth!

steem wallet jerrybanfield oct 10 2017.jpg


Posted 266 times to my blog at @jerrybanfield resulting in 100,000+ views on those posts with the majority from Google search, sharing on social media, and readers already following me elsewhere. With my account being 143 days old, that is an average of 1.86 posts per day. The top post received over 30,000 views mostly from Google search from users seeking information about cryptocurrencies. top steem post jerrybanfield.jpg


Commented 2,815 times on Steem mostly in replies to comments on my posts and more often now comments on posts by others. With my account being 143 days old, that is an average of 19.685 comments every single day.


Made 7 advertising campaigns on Facebook for Steem reaching 3,721,223 people in nearly every country in 6 different video ads and a text ad for the wired.com article. The budget came from $5843.61 given in author rewards. steem facebook ads results oct 10 2017.jpg


Created and managed 21 Steem advertising campaigns in Google AdWords including display network ads for smart media tokens, 6 different video ads, and a text ad for the wired.com article. The ads have been shown 871,609 times to users in nearly every country resulting in 10,316 clicks on a budget of $2,847.06 of which about half came from author rewards and the other half equal I have spent over the budget given! Note that in the screenshot all campaigns are not shown because of space limitations steem google ads oct 10 2017.jpg


Delegated 1,000 Steem Power to @minnowsupport and to @eco-alex. jerrybanfield minnowsupport eco-alex delegations.jpg


Uploaded 60+ videos to YouTube and Facebook to millions of followers mentioning Steem with collectively hundreds of thousands of mostly organic views. jerrybanfield steem videos.jpg


Tweeted every Steem post to over one hundred thousand followers on Twitter at https://twitter.com/JerryBanfield resulting in thousands of retweets. Twitter activity by jerrybanfield.jpg


Devoted 39 "upvotable" posts to featuring the work of authors on Steem that you might enjoy following as a reader paying out of $1,000 in tips for participation and recently paying out half of the rewards to any author featured.
jerrybanfield upvotable posts 35 to 39.jpg


Paid out a prize of 2,000 Steem to @sarasate for getting a functional prototype of SteemJ launched at http://www.steemj.com/ to help give us a freelancer marketplace and bring new users to Steem!

steemj oct 2017.jpg


Hosted what I think was the first Steem meetup in Florida and maybe the USA as seen at @jerrybanfield/first-florida-steem-meetup-photos-and-video.

Florida Steem Meetup


Posted 20+ tutorials showing how to use Steem with many featuring apps and services created by others maybe of which include a matching video on YouTube.

steem post tutorials sample by jerrybanfield.jpg

# 14

Created several updated guides for getting started as a witness on Steem and helped increase voter participation in the witness process.

steem witness guide posts jerrybanfield.jpg


Pledged 80% of my earnings as a top 20 witness equal to about $200 a day towards more ads for Steem!

top 20 witness pledge.jpg


Bought my ticket, booked my hotel, and secured airfare to Lisbon, Portugal for Steemfest2 along with asking any of my European followers online to join me there!


Collaborated with @lexiconical to produce posts and videos featuring an overview of the contributions made by the top witnesses to help increase witness voting participation and help witnesses making contributions mostly in the background to receive some recognition. @lexiconical received all of the SBD payouts on these posts.

meet steem top witness posts by jerrybanfield.jpg


Spent about $10,000 paying freelancers for help transcribing new videos into posts and editing those posts prior to publishing on Steem. Each post where I paid for help includes a reference to who helped. @gmichelbkk has done the majority the work on these posts and receives an hourly wage for the editing he does equal to 50 to 100 hours a month. @aarellanes also did many of the upvotable posts with me and received an hourly wage for about 10 hours a week for his service for a few months. Most of the transcripts are from GoTranscript with the recent orders as seen below. I have tutorials showing how all this works on Steem.

gotranscript orders.jpg


Followed Crowdsourced Marketing Protocol: Ideas, Proposals, Projects by @andrarchy at @steemitblog/crowdsourced-marketing-protocol-ideas-proposals-projects to ask for more funding for ads by Steemit with the hope at becoming the second accepted project!

growth projects by jerrybanfield.jpg


Recommended updates to enhance the user experience of Steem and related apps alongside participating in the discussion about how to move forward with future hardforks.

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I will stop here before this post ends up being twice as long and recounts every single detail such as responding to messages in steemit.chat, voice chat in steemspeak, etc.

The bottom line is I show up here and make a big effort every day to enjoy and grow our community. I am also as ordinary/extraordinary as you are having ups and downs that I am brave/stupid enough to be open about. With making 200+ posts, at least 2% of them are likely to be awful which is about what has happened. The only way to guarantee a post never is bad is to not make another post.

What I struggle with here is feeling like what I contribute is worthwhile and feeling safe in sharing with you. This struggle must be common here because attack on another is usually a function of a feeling of inadequacy inside. Steem's transparency makes it easy to compare with others and end up with a feeling that all we do is not good enough.

In writing this post, I feel good about what I have done here and hope this empowers you to feel the same. After reviewing my service here in 4 months, I am certain I have given enough to our community and am also certain that it has been given for the right reasons of love and service. If anything, I have erred on the side of giving too much and am continually learning a better balance of work and life which probably includes less time spent writing posts and making videos about Steem. Writing this post took about 2 and a half hours and blocked me from having time to make a video today.


If you would like to do the most help support my continued contributions here and build our relationship together, would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at https://steemit.com/~witnesses AND share why you are doing so publicly because as a top 20 witness I am pledging 80% of my earnings (~$200 a day) towards ads for Steem on Facebook and Google!

Thank you to the 1567 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 740M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images! I am voting for witnesses where my vote seems to do the most good.

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29


Set JerryBanfield proxy

What are you contributing to our community?

Will you share what you are doing for us using tag oursteem because I would like to be more aware of how you are helping us grow and reward your efforts with my upvotes?

Jerry Banfield

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