Felt.Buzz and his Over 100 Club Story

brought to you by @mariannewest, graphics by @byn

The Loneliest Man in the World

Here we are, trying to do something nice. And what did we do? We made poor bruce @felt.buzz the loneliest man in the whole wide world!! So sorry Bruce!!!!

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No worries!! Of course, we can fix that!

Hey, freewriters, write every day! And keep an eye on this space to see if you are the next nominee.

Serious Now

As you know, we at the Freewrite House like to play and like, even more, to give shout-outs to all you fabulous freewriters. One way is the Over 100 Club.

Here is our very first nomination post if you care to read all about it.

Bruce has been one of our most regular freewriters and has supported the Freewrite House from the very beginning. Not only did he send us a housewarming present (thank you again!), he made our Grand Opening so special by creating Inspector Dash investigating all the victims winners of our drawing. (We highly recommend that you go back to the Winner Announcements for some fun reading!!)

A huge thank you for that!!

Now, we sound like you have to do all kinds of extra things to become an Over 100 Club member. Not so. The requirement is to write more than 100 freewrites, get an invite from us, and write an Over 100 Club post.

Bruce did all of that. And what a glorious post he wrote!!!

Here it is. Click the graphics.

felt.buzz post.png

As you can see from the announcement post, all of us here at the Freewrite House promised a 100% upvote. That sounds good in theory - but none of us are big whales with lots of SP in our bellies. Can you imagine how happy we all are that this post came to the attention of a curie curator and got a beautiful fat upvote.

Bruce did an amazing job on his post and we hope that all of you will read it, listen, and watch! Yes, watch. Bruce read the Jelly saga and you can watch him via YouTube.

As you can tell from this long and very serious discussion about what honors we should bestow on our Over 100 Club members

We fell short of providing the golden plated limousine, but @snook came through with the song!!!

The Name @felt.buzz

Just a little Trivia before we give out the oh so sought after Over 100 Club badge.

Do you have any idea why Bruce's steemit name is @felt.buzz?

This post might give you some insights.

Here he is doing what he likes to do when he is not writing or walking the dogs - wait, he writes while walking the dogs!!!

That is pretty amazing, right?

The Over 100 Club Badge

Here it is - made for Bruce by our beautiful and talented @byn


Bruce, let us know if you like the font or anything else in different colors. We aim to please!!!


Everyone - please go and read Bruce's post and do give him as much of a vote as you can!

Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


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