The Over 20 Club @FreeWriteHouse Entry ---> My Chosen Faves!!!


Today is Friday and as promised @mariannewest has chosen two people to submit three or more favorite #freewrite's to join the Over 20 Club and I am one of the lucky one's for this week! This is quite an honor for me, as it's the small things that always matter the most.

Initially, I balked against writing these miraculous little #freewrite's thinking they were a bunch of hogwash but soon I came to find out what a lovely hidden gem they truly are. For one thing they get the mind working in all types of crazy directions you never thought possible.

Within five minutes a huge amount of energy comes forth and what literally pops into your mind comes gushing out like pent up water being released from a dam. To me #freewrite means much more than just a mental exercise, it has become a second home on Steemit.

There are many friends made along the way and especially now with the 200 day contest going on it has been amazing. The creativity, funny characters, and kindness is worth every day I am still a part of this group.

For this particular post I have been asked to share three or more of my favorite #freewrite's that are past curation, and here they are:

Number One: Snake


This was written approximately three months ago and the prompt had reminded me about the first time I picked a medicine card. If you have not heard of my fairly new initiative #medicinecardmonday it is where give a complimentary healing card reading to the community. This #freewrite explains my very first card pick and reading from a friend.

Number Two: Our Mothers


This poem was inspired by a prompt given on Mother's Day and in honor of all mothers. My favorite aspect of this poem is bringing in some belief systems of mothers from the spirit world. This one a curation from the #freewritehouse and a warm feeling to my heart that this was well received.

Number Three: Robes


Another poem that was curated by #freewritehouse and that was just ready to come out within five minutes. Many of my posts have focused on many different topics, but these three seem to stand out to me the most.

The journey of #freewrite has been a pleasant surprise and has brought out an ability I did not realize I had. As a rule personality I stick to the timeframe and do not allow interruptions. Allowing the creative flow to just process through amazes me every time.

Writing raw and original content has been my "thing" on Steemit, so these #freewrite's allows me to keep my integrity not only in these posts but in my other posts too. For that, I am so thankful to @mariannewest for creating this initiative and all the supporters. Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

I made it, I made it!!

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