Steemit Gems - Interview with @papa-pepper

The Gems

Within the Steemit community are people that add a lot of value, through their own personal posts and also with assistance to other steemians. I've only been a member of steemit for a few months now, but have had the pleasure of interacting with @papa-pepper on numerous occasions.

Simply put, he is a great asset for the community, from his advertising of steemit to his numerous contests where he gives back SBD to community members. He also goes out of his way to interact and connect with other steemians and not just online but in real life. He is easy to interact with, offers good advice and is a REAL person.

Click on any of those blue links and go check out @papa-pepper's page, you'll see he has been in the game for a while and that he is a posting machine, whether it commenting, replying to posts or putting out new content, everyone can learn a thing or five from him.

I had the chance to talk to @papa-pepper and ask him a few questions on a wide range of topics, hope you enjoy the interview and if you see @papa-pepper on the pages of steemit, give him a high-five or an up vote, whatever is easier.

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1. How did you first hear about steemit and what made you decide to join the network?

I first heard about steemit midway through last year. A guy I had known for years told me about it, and it didn't make any sense to me. How could someone get paid just for sharing something online. At the time STEEM was rising in price and people were frequently making hundreds and even thousands of dollars on single posts. The guy encouraged me to just take some photos in my garden and add a little about what was in the photos for an introduction post. I did, and that intro post paid out around $50 total. I thought, "How in the world is this possible?" I then blundered through random postings for a while trying to figure out how in the world it worked. I thought that if there was something that I could do from home to potentially help earn some money for my family, why not give it a try?.

2. If the price of steem ever reaches $100 per coin, what would you do with your earnings?

If STEEM ever reached $100 per coin I would pretty much be set, and my children would too for the most part. I would most likely keep living life the way that I do, though I would be able to help more people get out of financial bondage and I would probably travel a little more too.

3. What are your thoughts on Bitcoin? do you see it as the Myspace of cryptocurrency or the Facebook? or something in between?

BTC is an interesting beast, for all that it lacks, it is still the (almost) household name in crypto. I think it'll take a lot for something to replace it as the world's most valuable crypto, but with the interesting way that people are, I'm not sure it'll ever happen, much like I don't think Silver will ever be more valuable than Gold.

4. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

If I could have any super power it would be the power to help people understand truth, first off that it does exist and secondly what it is. Truth is not nonexistent and it is not relative, and many terrible things occur when everyone just decides to create their own "truth."

5. What is your biggest fear in life?

I think that my biggest fear in life would be failing as a husband or father. There are no people in the world that I will ever spend as much time with as them, and to fail in my own house would be a major disaster. Otherwise, there is not really too much that I am afraid of.

6. Do you think Donald Trump and Kim Jeong Eun of North Korea could ever be friends?

Do I think Donald Trump and Kim Jeong Eun of North Korea could ever be friends? I thought they were the same guy! LOL - Just a joke, but I think that everyone could be friends with everyone else. The only thing stopping it is them.

7. If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be and why?

I'm not really sure that I would want to hang out with a celebrity. Not to sound petty or anything, but famous sports people make a living throwing a ball into a hoop or something. It takes a little more than that to impress me. As for actors and actresses, they are people who can pretend really well, and that's about it. Can I pass on this one? LOL. No celebrity for me.

8. Where do you see steemit 6 months, 1 year and 5 years from now?

As for the future, there are only a few possibilities. So far, we have done well on the hardforks, being that we have messed everything up yet. As long as we don't commit steemicide as a community, only two possibilities are left. Either steemit will continue to grow and more people will continue to join. Since so many people worldwide live paycheck to paycheck, I don't really see the value ever mooning per se, but I think that there is still significant room for growth. Many will just continue to get paid and cash out though, in my opinion. If something even better came along, then steemit may fall behind and disappear into the shadows. Though that would be sad, it still would have paved the way and been the first, and everyone would now have something even better! That's not that bad. And of course, some of us would still be here, steeming away and talking about the good old days.

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Image and border supplied by @papa-pepper

If you'd like to see more of the steemit leaders interviewed in the future, simply tag them in the comments and I will reach out to the . Thanks again to @papa-pepper for taking the time to do this interview.

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